Introduction to Computer and Human Vision Shimon Ullman, Ronen Basri, Michal Irani, Yaron Caspi Assistants: Shai Bagon Shira Kritchman
Misc... Course website: To be added to course mailing-list: Send to Shai: Other recommended courses (for credit): Basic Topics (I+II), Machine Learning, Information Theory, Probabilistic Graphical Models. Vision & Robotics Seminar (not for credit): Thursdays at 12:00-13:00 (Ziskind 1) Send ask to be added to “seminar13” mailing list
Applications: - Manufacturing and inspection; QA - Robot navigation - Autonomous vehicles - Guiding tools for blind - Security and monitoring - Object/face recognition; OCR. - Medical Applications - Visualization; NVS - Visual communication - Digital libraries and video search - Video manipulation and editing How is an image formed? (geometry and photometry) How is an image represented? What kind of operations can we apply to images? What do images tell us about the world? (analysis & interpretation)
Lesson 11 (Shimon): Human Vision II Lessons 2-3 (Michal): Basic Image Processing (Fourier, Convolution) Lessons 4-7 (Ronen+Yaron): Stereo, Matching, and Structure from Motion Tentative Schedule Lessons 8-9 (Michal): Motion and video analysis Lesson 10 (Ronen): Image Segmentation Lesson 12 (Ronen): Photometry Lesson 13 (Shimon): Object recognition 2-3 programming exercises (MATLAB) -- CAN SUBMIT IN PAIRS 3 theoretical exercises -- MUST SUBMIT INDIVIDUALLY EXAM Lesson 1 (Shimon): Human Vision I Homework: Read introductory material (Basic image operations)
Panoramic Mosaic Image Original video clip Generated Mosaic image
Original Outliers Original Synthesized Video Removal
Image Segmentation
Photometric Stereo