1/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Investigator Portal
2/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Investigator Portal - Key points Why did Prous Science create Investigator Portal? Content How much? Where from? Functionality - Alerts, saved queries, datasets Development update New therapeutic areas Product & Business development Selling Investigator Portal Features, Benefits & Unique Selling Points Authentication models Search examples
3/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Investigator Portal - Key points Why did Prous Science create Investigator Portal? Content How much? Where from? Functionality - Alerts, saved queries, datasets Development update New therapeutic areas Product & Business development Selling Investigator Portal Features, Benefits & Unique Selling Points Authentication models Search examples
5/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015
6/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Investigator Portal - Target Users Translational Research Team Clinical researchers Epidemiologists Geneticists Biologists Pharmacologists Chemists Pharmacists Biostatisticians Bioengineers Data managers
7/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Investigator Portal - Key points Why did Prous Science create Investigator Portal? Content How much? Where from? Functionality - Alerts, saved queries, datasets Development update New therapeutic areas Product & Business development Selling Investigator Portal Features, Benefits & Unique Selling Points Authentication models Search examples
8/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Investigator Portal Content – Quantity
9/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Over 350 scientific venues per year covered by medical reporters and writers including official sessions, symposia, poster and oral sessions, coverage Press Releases Annual/Quarterly Reports Investor Conferences 11 Patent Offices around the world provide constant updates on product patent status FDA / EMEA/PMDA (Japan) Over 1,500 journals screened regularly, covering disease and treatment information Over 500 direct collaborators around the world, dedicated to excellence in the delivery of scientific knowledge. Academia Research centers Scientific societies Clinical practice Thought leaders Regulatory agencies Healthcare industry experts Patent Offices Journals Scientific Congresses Company Information Regulatory Agencies Contributor Network Sources of Information Investigator Portal Content – Sources
10/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Investigator Portal - Key points Why did Prous Science create Investigator Portal? Content How much? Where from? Funcionality - Alerts, saved queries, datasets Development update New therapeutic areas Product & Business development Selling Investigator Portal Features, Benefits & Unique Selling Points Authentication models Search examples
11/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Investigator Portal – Development update New therapeutic areas Neurological disorders Psychiatry Urological disorders Infectious diseases AIDS Digestive diseases Diabetes Oncology Respiratory diseases Cardiology
12/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Investigator Portal – Development update Product development Therapeutic areas Self registration Bugs Branding Business development Positioning Later today: Marketing Pricing
13/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Investigator Portal - Key points Why did Prous Science create Investigator Portal? Content How much? Where from? Funcionality - Alerts, saved queries, datasets Development update New therapeutic areas Product & Business development Selling Investigator Portal Features, Benefits & Unique Selling Points Authentication models Search examples
14/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Investigator Portal – The Translational Research Knowledge Base Benefits to the Customer/User Faster access to structured and relevant information – Saves time Standardised presentation of information – Saves effort Reduces need for multiple databases – Saves money Unique Selling Points ‘First in class’ unique information resource for translational researchers Integrates multiple knowledge areas Organized by medical specialties Analyzed, structured and indexed data, (not bibliographic database)
15/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Investigator Portal – Authentication models Site-wide access IP range authenticated Username and Password Trials
16/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015
17/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015
18/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Click here to see the list of therapeutic targets that have been implicated in this pathology
19/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015
20/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 See full record for EGFR
21/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Full record for EGFR
22/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Full record for EGFR Links to external databased with records on EGFR
23/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Links available from the full record include direct link to the Swiss-Prot entry for this target
24/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Links available from the full record include direct link to the Protein Data Bank entry for this target
25/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Prous Science medical writers provide a short overview of each target’s importance in pathological process
26/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 See the molecular landscapes showing the involvement of key targets in different disease processes
27/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Scroll down for further data on this therapeutic target
28/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Multimedia animations illustrate in greater detailpathological processes and therapeutic pathways
29/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 See which other research groups are developing molecules using the same target
30/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Start networking or keeping an eye on the competition!
31/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Search results are indexed and structured around 12 interlinked Knowledge Areas
32/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Click here for a list of molecules acting on EGFR as a target
33/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 We have now jumped to the Drugs & Biologics Knowledge Area for the results related to EGFR as a target
34/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Refine search by regulatory agency
35/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Select only those molecules approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA)...
36/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July and view the subset of results
37/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015
38/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 View the full record for this drug
39/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Full record for lapatinib
40/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Search results are indexed and structured around 12 interlinked Knowledge Area
41/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Click here to see the list of clinical studies related to this molecule
42/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 The list of clinical studies related to this molecule
43/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Click here to look at the adverse event profile of this drug
44/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Details of adverse events reported for this drug in clinical studies
45/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Click here to see the biomarkers associated with this molecule
46/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 We are now in the recently launched Biomarkers Knowledge Area
47/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Click to access the full record for a given biomarker
48/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Full record for HER2 as a biomarker
49/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015
50/ Thomson Scientific/ 13 July 2015 Investigator Portal The Translational Research Knowledge base Philip Purnell, M.Sc. Senior Product Manager, Prous Science