five FAST minutes …
Why FAST? How FAST? measure the muon lifetime to a precision of 1 ppm (~ 2 ps) measure the Fermi coupling constant G F to a precision of 1 ppm one order of magnitude improvement of the present world average ++ DC pion beam p = 170 MeV/c Active scintillator target Hight granularity + + e + + + ( = ns - PDG2002) + e + ( = s - PDG2002) 1 ppm precision events x 9 / 0.5 ~ 1.5 y PARALLELISATION NEEDED HIGH DATA RATE (1MHz beam rate) ~ 80 MB/sec ONLINE ANALYSIS estimated efficiency
FAST target: the story …
FAST target: the end of the story !
PSI – 15 December 2003 phomultipliers preamps discriminators ventilators tdcs back view
time resolution with straight tracks ~ 1 ns time distribution RF frequency ~ 20 ns
ANY serious analysis on these data … … … but it really looks like a lifetime plot !!!
FUTURE PLANS : 1. DECEMBER 2003: trigger prototype (from CIEMAT – Madrid) Implement Test Take some data : first real data taking run (from April on) BUON NATALE e BUON ANNO !!!!