Processor 1 Processor 2 Disk 1 Disk 2 tasks Demo 1: Computer System with 2 Processors Sharing 2 Disks in Parallel.


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Presentation transcript:

Processor 1 Processor 2 Disk 1 Disk 2 tasks Demo 1: Computer System with 2 Processors Sharing 2 Disks in Parallel

Machine 1: Lathe Recycled Input Pellets Unload with Robot Machine 2: Drill Processing on M1 Processing on M2 Buffer Slot Available Waiting in Buffer Unload with Robot Robot Idle Demo 2: Manufacturing System with a Sequentially Shared Robot

Demo 3: Flow Shop System with 3 Machines Processing of Part1 Processing of Part2 Processing of Part3 M2 ready for P2 M3 ready for P1 M1 ready for P3 M2 ready for P3 M1 ready for P2 M2 ready for P1 M3 ready for P2

Demo 4: Open Markovian Queuing Network queue1 queue2 queue3 service time = 4 service time = 2 Poisson arrival = 1 S2 ready S3 ready S1 ready feedback probability service time = 4 feedback probability