5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Computation and Neural Systems Andrew Krause Paxon Frady Alex Huth Dr. Christof Koch
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Overview Survey and Results Committee Results General Discussion
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Survey and Results Survey was distributed on Donut and open to all undergraduates Top section was general questions (honor code, student life, etc), followed by option- specific questions 19 people responded to CNS questions
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Survey and Results If meetings/gatherings of CNS people (faculty, grad students, and undergrads) were offered, would you be interested in attending? Yes:13 No: 3
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Survey and Results Have you had issues with classes not being offered when you needed to take them (i.e. the courses that are only offered every other year)? Yes:11 No: 5
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Survey and Results What do you think about the requirements? Too open: 2 Just right: 9 Too restrictive: 2 No follow up about whether it was the CNS- specific requirements or the E&AS general requirements
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Survey and Results Should there be some sort of explanation given to CNS undergrads about why they’re taking classes like CDS 101 and EE 111? Yes:10 No: 4
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Survey and Results If yes, how should this be given? “These kind of courses are typically too general and do not go into depth on the material CNS people need to learn” “Something on a website” “Something in the course catalog that explains why these courses fit into the discipline” “Maybe explain what these are for, and provide a biology major that focuses on neuroscience without some of these classes. (I’d be very interested)”
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Survey and Results Does having “Computation and Neural Systems” as a focus of the E&AS major make sense? The alternatives would be to make it its own major or split it up and place it under other majors (e.g. CNS as a focus in biology and CS)? Leave it as is: 3 Make it its own major: 10 Split it up and place it under other majors: 6
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Survey and Results Should there be annual seminars that showcase new areas of interest and possible future careers for CNS majors? Yes:18 No: 0
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Survey and Results Would you be interested in having sections in required but non-CNS courses that focus on CNS topics? Yes:13 No: 3
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Survey and Results Students appear to have little issue with current requirements Would just like some clarification about some of the courses Most of the desire for change is increased interaction between/integration of undergrads and the CNS department
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Overview Survey and Results Committee Results General Discussion
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Committee Results Discussed whether CNS 187 would be better as a two term course Winfree is deciding whether to change the format or stop teaching it Unlikely to be split up any time soon EE 111 is offered because a lot of lab work (with MRIs, for instance) involves working with signals CDS 101 may be replaced with 110 or 104, so that the relevant math is covered rather than topics just introduced
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Committee Results Would like classes offered more often For instance, students had a bit of a problem figuring out what classes to take this year, as it seems to be an “off” year Lab classes are also desired (especially to fulfill the general EAS requirements) Take a lot of time for faculty to do Giles Laurent will give undergraduates preference over grad students for the basic neurobiology lab Perhaps get CNS/SS 251 (Human Brain Mapping) to count as a lab course
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Committee Results Large demand in survey for CNS to become its own undergraduate option Comes up every few years for discussion Not going to happen Keeping it as a focus of EAS allows students freedom to get what they want out of the option Results did show that students are happy with the requirements
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Committee Results Undergraduate Integration into Department Able to set up a mailing list of all undergraduates majoring in CNS Can send out information about seminars, experiments that need subjects, new course offerings, social events, etc Add a section to the CNS website for undergraduates Explain reasoning behind courses like EE 111 and CDS 101 Provide information about, for instance, what undergraduates and graduates go on to do with their CNS training Wiki to allow questions and discussion?
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Overview Survey and Results Committee Results General Discussion
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference Option Requirements Engineering and Applied Science CS 1 27 units advanced EAS courses 27 units advanced EAS or science courses 9 units of lab courses from list 9 units of addiional lab courses ACM 95abc or Ma 108abc or Ma 109abc E10 and E units of EAS courses, not including labs, math courses, or E10 and E11 Computation and Neural Systems CNS 100 Bi/CNS 150 CNS/Bi/Ph/CS 187 CNS/Bi/EE 186* CNS/CS/EE 188a EE 111 CDS 101 Bi 8 CS 2 Bi/CNS 162* *offered biannually
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference EAS List of Lab Courses APh 77bc Ae/APh 104bc CE 95 CE 180 CS 40ab CS 47 CS 134b CS/CNS 171, 173, 174 CS/EE 137b EE 20ab EE/CS 52, 53, 54 EE 90 EE 91ab ESE 159 MS 90 MS 125 ME 72ab ME 90bc ME/CE 96
5 April 2007Student Faculty Conference New Course Requirement? Bi 252. Responsible Conduct of Research 4 Units (2-0-2), third term This lecture and discussion course covers relevant aspects of the responsible conduct of biomedical and biological research. Topics include guidelines and regulations, ethical and moral issues, research misconduct, data management and analysis, research with animal or human subjects, publication, conflicts of interest, mentoring, and professional advancement. This course is required of all trainees supported on the NIH training grants in cellular and molecular biology and neuroscience, and is recommended for other graduate students in biology division labs. Undergraduate students require advance instructor’s permission. Graded pass/fail.