Theoretical perspectives in Human Computer Interaction Tessy Cerratto & Henrik Artman IPLab, KTH
Course problematize the concept of users and usage overview of theoretical frameworks emphasis on how each perspective frame the concept of the user Who is a user? Who is not a user? How do we become users? What are the transitions from being a user to be entertained?
Prerequisite text presenting briefly their own research projects, as well as their motivation and expectations from the course active participation; discussion; questions present one article and discuss it from a particular perspective
Form Lecture on specific theory Critical discussion of the concept of user and relation ship to artifacts and design Design implications
Literature & examination Selected articles Present article Essay
Outline for today Introduction Presentation Perspectives on information system Perspectives on HCI Summary Questions
Riddles for the information Age Cooper, A. (1999) The inmates are running the asylum Presentation of accidents and ”misunderstandings” between users and computer systems Analysis of user-computer dialogue –Errors –Feedback –Context of use –Type of user Critique of the development process of software-based products
Looking at the dialogue/interaction between the pilot and the computer The navigation aid was valid but not for the landing procedure at Cali Communication was precise and exact even though it was completely wrong The navigation aid did not tell the pilot that the radio station chosen was wrong
Looking at the navigation aid ”Software-based products are not inherently hard to use, they are that way because we use the wrong process for creating them” How to change this process ? How to do in order software-based products become friendly, powerful and desirable ?
Programmers and users have different goals The programmer wants the construction process to be smooth and easy The user wants the interaction with the program to be smooth and easy Can programmers create interaction?
Introduce interaction design in the development process Programmers Software user Interaction designers
Different perspectives on the use and development of information systems System theoretical Humanistic Socio-technical
Concept of perspective It refers to scientific paradigm (cf. T. Kuhn, 1962) –Paradigm is a frame of reference that define the rules, the criteria of what constitutes “ science” –Scientific development occurs by revolutions –Paradigm is not related to praxis It can be regarded as a social institution (cf. Berger and Luckman, 1966) –As a bridge between theory and practice –Assumptions and rules governing a phenomenon are social constructs It is operationalized as ideal type (cf. Weber, 1968) –Ideal types are a theoretical tool, pure forms Perspectives do not apply as design methods
Characterizing perspectives Notion of knowledge Notion of person Notion of communication Notion of system development
System theoretical perspective System Theory refers to General Systems Theory (cf. Bertallanffy, 1968) – It emphasizes the integrality of the phenomenon as a whole, i.e. idea of a total system, an integrated system The term mathematical machine -- data machine –Storage – processing- transmission of information Ideal type is the integration of information systems
System theoretical perspective Emphasis on the information system Knowledge is information stored, is objectivistic Person is excluded from the system or is within the system. A rational and passive view of the user or a feature of the system Communication is between the user and the system System development is regarded as complete once and for all. Based on problem-solving ideology
Humanistic perspective Two meanings of humanism –Humanistic as an academic discipline –Humanist as a more ideological orientation (cf. Humans right) The user, her expertise and her job have the highest priority while technology serves as a tool for this purpose The ideal type is that all the functions performed by a system are carried out by humans beings
Humanistic perspective Emphasis on individuals Knowledge is constructed by the person –Formal and intuitive knowledge Person is an intentional, situated, psycho-social,biological and historical actor. Individual view of the autonomous user Communication takes only place between human beings System development is focused on the use of the system, on the users’ jobs, is evolutionary
Socio-technical perspective What’s the place of the individual in relation to the system ? What’s the relationship between human beings and the information systems ? Distinction between data and information Technical system and a social system Ideal type intermediate link in the development towards the theoretically more purified humanistic vision
Socio-technical perspective Emphasis on interaction between person and information systems (IS) Knowledge is instrumental, useful Person as an active component of the technical system and as a member of the social system. The user’s job is distributed between the person and the IS. Communication with a machine-partner or machine-tool System development is participative. Participation of the users and specifications of their needs
Perspectives on interaction Preunderstanding and background (H) User interface /I-O devices (C) Functionality (C) Operative cognitions (H) Media structure/presentation (C) Domain representation (C) Change Stable
System Human Computer
System General perspective for all components Information transfer between components System goal Technology focused Information objective Constrained to technology? Meaning?
Dialogue-partner Mimic human behaviour Structural aspects of interaction Interface Not focused on background knowledge System self contained Mainly linguistic interaction?
Tool Action-focused The user is an expert Tools are for accomplishing tasks Domain specific Learning is part of design objective Learning is part of becoming/being an expert New design based on tacit-knowledge Readiness-at-hand, present-at-hand
Communication between people Technology is a medium Each medium needs a structure to encode Change operative cognitions, by media structure Domain representation is relevant for the sender Conduit-metafor of communication?
Discussing the tool perspective (cf. P. Ehn, 1988) How is the user’s work seen ? –Not formalization of qualifications but development of professional education based on the skills of professionals – Not information flows analysis and systems descriptions but specification of tools and materials How is the machine seen ? -as a craft tool How is the user seen ? –As a person possessing skills relevant for the task to be accomplished
Discussing the tool perspective (cf. P. Ehn, 1988) How is design seen ? –As a process, “design-by-doing” –Influenced by way the design of traditional crafts tools was done –Designers have to learn from the graphic workers –Users have to learn from designers What is the user’s model ? –Is the user’s mental model developed through the interaction with the information system
Regarding computers as tools (cf. P. Ehn, 1988) Computers are tools proper, they are designed as means to and end Computers are machines and differ from hand tools Machines can be designed as reminders of traditional craft tools for a specific craft profession Is the computer “only” a tool ?
Questions to have in mind What’s the unit of analysis presented by this approach ? –activity; actions; operations; mediated activity ? What’s the aim of this theoretical approach ? –Prediction, description, explanation, understanding What’s the relation between artifact and person presented by this approach ? –Development, determinism? What’s the relation with design ? –Informing design, evaluating design ?