Welcome to Honors Early Enrollment Info Night!
Get the MOST out of Early Enrollment Info Night Review Class Spreadsheets and Info Sheets Talk to faculty about their course—They are giving THEIR time to ensure YOU make the most informed decision about Honors courses next semester. Don’t waste this opportunity! Eat pizza
First Year Honors Students! Before you enroll in classes: Attend Honors Advising Workshop. Sign up for (and attend) a Small Advising Group in Gateway Center. Be sure that Gateway advisor removes advising hold. Meet with Tim or Glenn during Open Advising Hours only if you still have questions after completing Honors AND Gateway Advising sessions. Enroll for Spring 2004! Students in good standing OR on first semester probation with Honors may register 11/4. All other students will enroll with assigned groups.
Continuing Honors Students (Students who have completed first year Honors sequence) Update your local address on LOUIE May meet with Glenn or Tim during OPEN Advising hours ONLY: Consult Honors Advising Newsletter (sent to all Honors students’ local addresses mid-September). Additional copies available on-line or at front table.
Important note to continuing Honors students NAU policy requires ALL students with less than 35 units (transfer and NAU) to receive advising BEFORE enrollment. If this is not your first semester at NAU AND you have less than 35 total units (credits), you have an advising hold, removable by meeting with your major advisor.
Honors Early Enrollment Policies: Fall 2003 Honors students on second semester probation or with a GPA below 2.75 may not receive the Honors Early Enrollment privilege. Should an Honors course fill during early enrollment, a waiting list will be initiated in the Honors Program Office. Only if a student drops a full Honors class will a student on the wait list get into that full Honors class.
Honors Course Waiting List Policies Section full overrides are HIGHLY discouraged for Honors courses. Please do not harass faculty. CHANGE for Spring—Enrollment in Honors classes is on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis—if you get into an Honors class, you are in it until you drop it. Honors WILL NOT drop students to add others with more credits.
Why can’t I enroll in an Honors class? The LOUIE system will recognize Honors students as they request enrollment in HON or –H classes. Non-Honors students are not permitted to enroll in Honors classes without permission. All pre-requisites for a class must be met. Check course catalog through LOUIE under “Requirement Group” for applicable requisites before enrollment. You can override a requisite, but need instructor and departmental approval to do so. See an Honors Advisor for assistance!
The Honors Program CONGRATULATES the following Honors students for writing the BEST PAPER for their respective Honors course for Spring 2003!* Jennifer Ashler HON 191 Summer Black HON 191 Tim Garcia HON 191 Tad Klein HON 191 Cady Mier HON 191 Catherine Reid HON 191 Faith Rudebusch HON 191 Ryan Saxby HON 191 Sasha Spencer HON 191 *as identified by their Honors instructor.
Honors Handouts Schedule Builder (light green) Honors Advising Newsletter Honors Class Spreadsheet with Liberal Studies Designations and Class Numbers (yellow) Honors Class Info Sheets (Available around Auditorium tables) –Foundations=Yellow –Aesthetic & Humanistic Inquiry=Red –Cultural Understanding=Purple –Science & Applied Science=Green –Social & Political Worlds=Blue
Honors Program Announcements Get involved with Honors through the Honors Student Organization (HSO)! HSO meets every Monday at 7pm in Cowden 106. Get your College Bowl teams together – information available at the Check-In table. Check out Study Abroad opportunities! NCHC Conference logo contest.
Honors GPA Reminders! Remember Honors NAU GPA requirements for Honors Good Standing: –0-29 Total units: 3.2 –30-59 Total units: 3.3 –60-89 Total units: 3.4 –90+ Total units: 3.5 Students admitted to Honors provisionally for Fall 2003 must at least earn a 3.00 NAU GPA to continue with Honors.
Honors Course Information Honors Policies Important NAU Forms Study Abroad Information Links to Enrollment Information Downloadable Honors Forms
Honors thanks the following individuals for their contributions to Early Enrollment Info Night: Kellie Ibarra and all the Honors Program Assistants. The dedicated Honors Ambassadors All faculty teaching Honors sections Dick Patton and Dining Services Kathy Battali and the Ashurst staff