Grid Specification MM RCM TIM MIC CHART LEGEND Source of Numerical Data Magnetospheric Model Ring-Current Model Thermosphere-Ionosphere Model M-I Coupler “Variable A from MM on the MM grid and variable A from RCM on the RCM grid are interpolated onto the MIC grid” MIC RCMMM A
seconds minutes MIC MM RCM MM RCM MM RCM MIC 1½-way LFM-RCM coupling MM Empirical SWM Precip W ||, E 0 j || s B RCM s M-I Coupler
minutes MM RCM MM RCM TIM MIC TIM MIC 1 st iteration, 1-way TING coupling MM TIM Empirical SWM Precip W ||, E 0 j || s m B RCM s M-I Coupler
iterate minutes MM RCM MM RCM TIM MIC TIM MIC Convergent, iterative, 1-way TING coupling MM TIM Empirical SWM Precip W ||, E 0 j || s m B RCM s M-I Coupler
MIC MM RCM MM RCM MM RCM TIM MIC TIM MIC seconds iterate minutes 1½-way LFM-RCM coupling w/ convergent, iterative, 2-way TING coupling MM TIM Empirical SWM Precip W ||, E 0 j || s m B RCM s TIM M-I Coupler
E-Region Electron Density Height- Integrate
Opgenoorth et al. ‘02
M-I Interaction Regions Lossy JE > 0 E ll Beams + heat, low-density cavity High V A Large displacement currents Active ionization and depletion, mass out- flow feedback Scale-interactive (r,t) Reflection Transmission Absorption