Internet Advertising & Promotional Communication Kuen-Hee Ju-Pak CSUF
Featuring Class 1 The Internet & The Web What it is How it works Alternative Means of Internet Communication History of the Internet and the Web The Internet Advantage for Advertisers as an Advertising & Marcom Medium Interactive Advertising Terms/Glossary
The Internet: What is it? A gigantic, global collection of computer networks Linking 6+ million servers in 200+ countries
The Internet: How does it work? Source:
The Web: What is it? A collection of documents that include text, graphics, sound, and/or video, and often links to other documents, which in turn link to others, and to others, ad infinitum - can be accessed anytime and anywhere A part of the Net that shows the greatest potential as an advertising, brand communication, and commerce medium
The Web: How does it work? How Web browsers and Web servers use the Internet to bring pages into your home, school, office, etc. Source:
The Web: How does it work? How Web browsers and Web servers use the Internet to bring pages into your home, school or office 3 parts in URL: The protocol ("http") The server name (" The file name ("web-server.htm“)
Other Means of Internet Communication the most popular means used to communicate with a person or a group not real-time, but delayed communication info on the recipient necessary ( address, who they are) message may contain text or graphic, but should be short and to the point
Alternative Means of Internet Communication used to communicate with a group simultaneous, real-time communication can get immediate feedback on a product, concept, may be used as source for viral communication whether to reveal or not to reveal the message source Chat
Alternative Means of Internet Communication a cross between chat and communicate in real time with a list of people that you wish to interact with. excellent tool for internal/external corporate communication information on the recipient necessary (the more the better) Instant Messaging
Alternative Means of Internet Communication continuous, decentralized public discussion about a particular topic not real time, but delayed communication used to communicate with people with similar interest. – excellent targeting opportunities may provide extensive information about the relevant topic. Newsgroup
Alternative Means of Internet Communication similar to newsgroups, a community discussing a particular topic kept on a single server, maintained and moderated by the originator good for trying out new concepts excellent targeting opportunities beware of public’s concern about spamming Discussion Forums/Groups
Alternative Means of Internet Communication a type of broadcast .on a specific topic ( newsletters) excellent targeting opportunities non-interactive one-way communication Listserve
History of The Internet & The Web The Net established thirty-plus years ago The Web developed in 1990 Before the Web, files sent or received in text-only format With the Web, any text, graphics, sound, and video sent or received in the desired format to anyone who uses any type of computer in any country in the world
History of The Internet & The Web The fastest growing medium in history Over 10 million servers & Over 6 sites 200+ million US users (2006) & 400+ million active users worldwide (2006); concentrated in North America, Western Europe, and Asia Rapid growth in advertising expenditure (from $ < 2 billion in 1998, $4.3 billion in 1999, $8.2 billion in 2000, to $6.3 billion in 2002, to $12.6 billion in 2005 and $17.9 billion in 2006)
The Internet Advantage as an Advertising and Brand Communication Medium Multimedia Capacity 24-Hours-a-Day Delivery Audience Selectivity & Targeting Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) and Direct Marketing Opportunities
The Internet Advantage as an Advertising / Brand Communication Medium Directly Measurable Effects Market Research Potential Global Reach Potential Interactivity Flexibility in the Amount of Information Presented
Internet Advertising Terms & Glossary A tour of IAB Terms and GlossaryIAB Terms and Glossary Go to Glossary of Interactive Advertising Terms under Resources & Research, Interactive Advertising Basics at