Answering Multiple Choice Questions on the PLT Dr. Brian E. Harper
What is the format of the PLT examination 4 case studies, 3 questions each 24 multiple choice questions (divided into two sections of 12 each) Come up with a plan of attack Don’t jump to conclusions 12 questions =10 minute
Is there any other specific advice you have with respect to the PLT multiple choice questions? DON’T CHANGE YOUR ANSWERS!!!
Are there terms/concepts that I should consider when studying for the PLT? Content category 1: Students as Learners Student development and maturity Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson, Maslow Nature vs. Nurture Information Processing Theory Behaviorism, Social Cognitive Theory, Cognitive Theory DiversityIDEA At-Risk students
Are there terms/concepts that I should consider when studying for the PLT? Content category 2: Instruction and Assessment Classroom climate Dealing with misbehavior Relationship with parents Kohlberg: Morality Learning Styles Gardner’s multiple intelligences Assessment types & RSVP
Are there terms/concepts that I should consider when studying for the PLT? Content category 3: Communication techniques Feedback Nonverbal communication Cooperative Learning Wait time
Are there terms/concepts that I should consider when studying for the PLT? Content category 4: Teacher Professionalism Student-teacher relationships Goals Lesson planning Withitness Time management Using technology in the classroom