ENSSIB 31 MARS THE USE OF UNIMARC in the National Library of Tunisia Sihem Ghédira
ENSSIB 31 MARS LANDMARKS 1998 Acquisitions were cataloged in a data base using the CCF format 2002 Unimarc was used for the first time in a temporary data base (Access) for the retrospective conversion of printed and card catalogs 2005 A table of conversion of the format CCF towards the format Unimarc was realized to facilitate the transfer of the data Migration of the data in the new system Horizon records (books, serials) records of manuscripts in Arabic
ENSSIB 31 MARS National Library Collections The manuscript collection consists of nearly 40,000 titles, grouped in 24,000 volumes The Book collection totals nearly one million volumes. Serials : more than 16,000 collections Other materials Maps and postcards Audio, visual, and electronic materials Microfiches and microfilms Digitized material
ENSSIB 31 MARS Format implementation Software : Horizon7.3 SIGBD : SQL Server 2005 Computer stations : 110 Multilingual : yes (Arabic and French) Z39.50 : yes Native Unimarc : no Unimarc exchanges and work: yes
ENSSIB 31 MARS Qualification and training Qualification of the staff using the format Conservatives: 07 Librarians: 27 Assistant librarians: 33 Help librarians: 05 Training before using the format: yes Training on the format: yes
ENSSIB 31 MARS Standards and normalization Standards of cataloguing: AFNOR, ISBD List of codes : Languages, countries, functions Level of description : maximum Availability of standards and manuals: yes - Unimarc: yes - ISBD: yes
ENSSIB 31 MARS Downloading records FROM : BNF Moccam Amazon Electre
ENSSIB 31 MARS Online catalog : Statistics and quality Bibliographical records: Authority records : Records and catalog quality : average ⁄ high quality Type of documents books: yes Thesis: yes Serials : yes Electronic Resources: yes Maps: yes Manuscripts: yes Other materials photographs, posters and postcards Microfiches and microfilms Digitized material
ENSSIB 31 MARS Linguistic and cultural environment specific questions Excessive use of local fields for specific needs : Manuscripts : fields 219, 339, 349, 900 National bibliography : sorting keys(fields 690, 790 )
ENSSIB 31 MARS Synthesis and conclusions UNIMARC used for cataloguing : National bibliography New acquisitions Arabic manuscripts A multilingual unique data base
ENSSIB 31 MARS Thank you for your attention