FIGURE 9-1 FIGURE 9-1 Market segmentation—linking market needs to an organization’s marketing program
WHY SEGMENT MARKETS? What Market Segmentation Means How Reebok’s Segmentation Strategy Developed Using Market-Product Grids Using Market-Product Grids
FIGURE 9-2 FIGURE 9-2 Market-product grid showing how different Reebok shoes reach segments of customers with different needs
FIGURE 9-3 FIGURE 9-3 The five key steps in segmenting and targeting markets link market needs of customers to the organization’s marketing program
STEPS IN SEGMENTING AND TARGETING MARKETS Step 1: Group Potential Buyers into Segments Potential for Increased Profit Criteria to Use in Forming the Segments Similarity of Needs of Buyers within a Segment Simplicity and Cost of Assigning Buyers to Segments Difference of Needs of Buyers Among Segments Potential of a Marketing Action to Reach a Segment
STEPS IN SEGMENTING AND TARGETING MARKETS Step 1: Group Potential Buyers into Segments Ways to Segment Consumer Markets Customer Characteristics Geographic: Region Demographic: Household Psychographic: Lifestyle
STEPS IN SEGMENTING AND TARGETING MARKETS Step 1: Group Potential Buyers into Segments Ways to Segment Consumer Markets Buying Situations Frequency Marketing 80/20 Rule 80/20 Rule Benefits Sought: Product Features Usage/Patronage: Usage Rate Usage/Patronage: Usage Rate
FIGURE 9-B FIGURE 9-B Segmentation variables and breakdowns for U.S. consumer markets
FIGURE 9-C FIGURE 9-C Patronage of fast-food restaurants by adults 18 years and older: Simmons Market Research Bureau NCS/NHCS Spring 2004 Adult Full-Year Choices System Crosstabulation Report
STEPS IN SEGMENTING AND TARGETING MARKETS Step 1: Group Potential Buyers into Segments Variables to use in Forming Segments Students in Dorms Students in Apartments Day Commuters Night Commuters Faculty/Staff People Living in Area People Working in Area
STEPS IN SEGMENTING AND TARGETING MARKETS Step 2: Group Products to be Sold into Categories Step 3: Develop a Market-Product Grid and Estimate Size of Markets
FIGURE 9-5 FIGURE 9-5 Selecting a target market for your Wendy’s fast-food restaurant next to an urban university (target market is shaded)
STEPS IN SEGMENTING AND TARGETING MARKETS Step 4: Select Target Markets Criteria to Use in Picking the Target Segments Market Size Expected Growth Cost of Reaching Segment Compatibility with the Organization’s Objectives and Resources Competitive Position Choose the Segments
STEPS IN SEGMENTING AND TARGETING MARKETS Your Wendy’s Segmentation Strategy Day Commuters Between-Meal Snacks Dinner to Night Students Step 5: Take Marketing Actions to Reach Target Markets
Wendy’s How can Wendy’s target different market segments with different advertising programs?
FIGURE 9-6 FIGURE 9-6 Advertising actions to reach specific student segments