XAML Performance Tools App Model.Net Native
Windows 10 XAML ‘free’ Common scenarios are handled by the platform “automagicaly”
Windows 10 XAML ‘free’ Common scenarios are handled by the platform “automagicaly” Responsive layout with new Controls Relative panel, Adaptive triggers,
Windows 10 XAML ‘free’ Common scenarios are handled by the platform “automagicaly” Flexibility and power through extensibility Extensible Triggers
Morten Nielsen Windows Developer MVP
Windows 10 XAML ‘free’ Common scenarios are handled by the platform “automagicaly” Highly-tailored Custom View and Controls by scenario, Xaml Views
TOUR CPU - 15% to 30% Working Set - 25% to 45%
TOUR <StackPanel x:Name="AdditionalProductPage" Visibility="Collapsed" … x:DeferLoadStrategy="Lazy"> var deferredPanel = FindName("AdditionalProductPage");
New XAML language service Built on top of Roslyn Completely decoupled from the designer Advanced code + XAML refactoring Design Modes Design surface for every device family Visual Tree Inspector Inspect and modify your XAML while it is running Profiling tools CPU, Memory, Timeline, Network and more Support for WPF and Universal Windows apps
var api = "Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioController"; if (Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent(api)) { var gpio = GpioController.GetDefault(); var pin = gpio.OpenPin(LED_PIN); pin.SetDriveMode(GpioPinDriveMode.Output); pin.Write(GpioPinValue.High); }
WindowsWindows Mobile Universal Windows Apps Classic Windows Apps X Windows Phone 7,8,8.1 apps X Existing Windows Store Apps (WinRT) X
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