Project Report IADS Customer Service Training Group:
Customer service is a key component in achieving the IADS vision that: –The Libraries environment is a welcoming environment; –Users receive equitable levels of service whenever the libraries are open; –Users receive accurate and consistent information across the system.
IADS Customer Service Philosophy We will provide efficient, friendly service, creating comfortable, welcoming environment. We will make ourselves available as valuable resources to our users and will not be satisfied until we have met their needs and exceeded their expectations. By assisting our users in their research, we are educating and enriching society through the advancement of knowledge and the innovations of those we help.
Definitions of Terms Used Critical Practice: Area of Focus Performance Measure: Ideal outcome if all observable behaviors expectations are followed. Observable behavior: Expectations for achieving Performance measure
Definitions continued External Customers: Library Users, such as students, faculty and the general public. Internal Customers: Co-workers, including University Libraries co-workers and University of Minnesota co-workers.
Definitions continued Staff: University Libraries student and staff members. School Term: Four month period coinciding with Fall (Sept-Dec), Spring (Jan-Apr) and Summer (May-Aug).
Core Competencies The Core Competencies for achieving great customer service are separated into 3 categories: –Background –Supervisory/Environmental –Frontline Interaction
Category One: Background The following Background core competencies can help prepare IADS staff by giving them the knowledge and confidence to deliver great service.
Background continued Critical Practice: Library Orientation Performance Measure: Ensure staff receive consistent orientation to the Libraries so they will be able provide accurate information to users. Observable Behavior: Demonstrate working knowledge of the current Unravel 1 session content. It is recommended that full-time staff teach or assist by roving for Unravel 1 sessions. Provide new staff with a site specific tour. Inform staff whenever there are changes to site specific information. Refer staff to the online Library orientation module.
Background continued Critical Practice: Training Performance Measure: Staff receives consistent training and has working knowledge of the unit policies and procedures. Observable Behavior: Document procedures and render easily accessible. Provide access to written procedures. Use the online Student Training module.
Background Continued Critical Practice: Library Resource Guide. Performance Measure: Staff can easily access information so users receive more efficient and accurate service. Observable Behavior: Make available an information notebook that includes: –General and site specific information –Glossary of terms common to libraries –Site specific troubleshooting resources (i.e. Which indexes work best for SciEng students) –Frequently asked questions –Definition of service –Customer service standards specific for the unit Update resource guide promptly whenever changes occur, and review information at least once per school term.
Category Two: Supervisory/Environment The following Supervisory and Environment core competencies can help prepare IADS staff by giving them the knowledge and confidence to deliver great service.
Supervisory/Environment continued Critical Practice: Communication with Staff Performance Measure: Staff are aware of the most current information and procedures so users can be served accurately and efficiently. Observable Behavior: Provide a mechanism to inform employees of current information and procedures. Convey information in a manner most efficient for the unit. Recommended ways include: , meetings, unit blog and newsletter. Update procedures promptly whenever changes are made, and review procedures at least once per school term.
Supervisory/Environment continued Critical Practice: Standards and Performance Reviews Performance Measure: All library staff positions reflect an institutional commitment to customer service. Observable Behavior: Incorporate a customer service component into all job descriptions. Conduct performance evaluations of student staff once per school term or after a predetermined number of hours have been worked. Evaluate full-time staff on customer service component of job description during annual review.
Supervisory/Environment continued Critical Practice: Customer Service Feedback Performance Measure: Continually improve the quality of customer service being provided by library units by soliciting feedback from both internal and external customers. Observable Behavior: Survey users. Review and incorporate relevant LibQual data and other survey data into unit procedures. Provide a mechanism for voicing comments and concerns, with an option of anonymity.
Supervisory/Environment continued Critical Practice: Contact lists Performance Measure: Units provide and maintain accurate and up-to-date contact lists so users receive accurate and efficient referrals. Observable Behavior: Post and maintain a prioritized contact list with names and numbers of all relevant units. Post information in a manner most efficient for the unit. Update list promptly whenever changes occur, and review information at least once per school term. Train staff to access online directories and library-specific websites.
Supervisory/Environment continued Critical Practice: Emergency contact lists Performance Measure: Student workers and staff are able to easily access emergency contacts so emergencies are handled efficiently. Observable Behavior: Make available prioritized lists of staff personal numbers (home or cell) as a back up emergency call list. Post information in a manner most efficient for the unit. Update list promptly whenever changes occur, and review information at least once per school term. Train staff to refer to emergency documentation (three-ring binders) for emergency procedures.
Supervisory/Environment continued Critical Practice: Motivating Student Workers Performance Measure: Units provide a fun and welcoming work environment to ensure that student workers provide the highest level of customer service. Observable Behavior: Provide a safe working environment. Solicit feedback on ways to improve the work environment. Continue to explore ways to motivate student workers through dialogue within and outside of the unit (i.e. IADS Forum discussions) Highlight the positive aspects of staff members’ performance. Continued on next slide
Supervisory/Environment continued Critical Practice: Motivating Student Workers continued Observable Behavior: Encourage staff to explore problem-solving solutions. Empower staff with tools and responsibilities so they will meet and exceed expectations. Allow mistakes to become and opportunity for improvement by using errors as an occasion for private, individualized coaching. Share positive feedback. Provide tools that foster a sense of community and accomplishment, such as a community bulletin board, Student of the Month, fundraisers for charities, advance notice of upcoming events.
Category 3: Frontline Interaction The following Frontline interaction core competencies will help staff provide great customer service, by outlining ways to deal with the challenges involved in daily interactions with internal and external customers.
Frontline Interaction continued Critical Practice: Approach Library Users Performance Measure: Inquire and provide assistance to users who appear confused or have a question. Observable Behavior: Scan or rove service areas to ascertain if any customers need help. Approach users who appear in need of assistance.
Frontline Interaction continued Critical Practice: Approachability Performance Measure: Users will be able to easily identify staff and will be encouraged to approach staff for help. Observable Behavior: Make eye contact and smile when users enter the library or approach the desk. When loaning items to users, ask if they found everything they were looking for. When giving directions, walk with customers when possible (i.e. to photocopiers, to stacks) instead of pointing. Wear Library Staff nametag when in public areas. Nametags can be customized to contain full name, first name only, or say generically Library Staff. Continued on next slide
Frontline Interaction continued Critical Practice: Approachability continued Observable Behavior: Wear non-offensive, appropriate clothing when working. Do not use offensive language. Respect users as humans and not as interruptions, and treat them accordingly.
Frontline Interaction continued Critical Practice: Anticipate customer’s needs Performance Measure: Ensure users do not leave confused and frustrated. Observable Behavior: Identify confusing concepts for users, and anticipate their questions. Provide users with explanations of library policies and procedures, (i.e. why an item is in process, or how ILL works and how long it takes). Provide users with alternatives and options to meet their needs.
Frontline Interaction continued Critical Practice: Accurate and up-to-date signage Performance Measure: Ensure that users are properly informed. Observable Behavior: Update signage upon policy change within one week. Review signage once per school term for accuracy and update if necessary within one month.
Frontline Interaction continued Critical Practice: Keep commitments to users Performance Measure: Maintain user satisfaction by following up on promised action, (i.e. searches, removal of fine). Observable Behavior: Respond promptly to customers within one business day. Follow through until problem is resolved.
Frontline Interaction continued Critical Practice: Post standards Performance Measure: Assure users of quality customer service and hold unit accountable. Observable Behavior: Post customer service standards for public via signage and library specific internet site, (i.e. responding to users with 24 business hours). Review and update standards once a year.
Frontline Interaction continued Critical Practice: Phone protocol Performance Measure: Maintain a consistent, helpful, friendly service to users when using the phone. Observable Behavior: Use appropriate greeting. Example: identify unit, give your name, and say, “How may I help you?” Train staff to properly transfer phone calls. When transferring a user, offer the transfer number. Example: “I’m going to transfer you, but in case this doesn’t work, here’s the phone number.” When taking a message, date and initial the message.
Frontline Interaction continued Critical Practice: Diffuse difficult customer situations Performance Measure: Attempt to resolve difficult interactions by addressing user’s complaints. Observable Behavior: Refer to supervisor when possible. Remain calm at all times. Listen thoroughly to user’s complaint and acknowledge their case with empathy. Explain library policies and procedures with patience. Continued on next slide
Frontline Interaction continued Critical Practice: Difficult customer situations continued Observable Behavior: Provide users with alternatives and options to work out solutions to their problems. Examples: Inform user of ILL if a book cannot be found or reimburse user if they lost money using the photocopiers, etc. Review and update standards once a year. Provide users with feedback form/comment card to file a complaint or voice their concern. Explain that the comment card will be reviewed by management and changes may be considered.
Frontline Interaction continued Critical Practice: User priority management Performance Measure: Waiting customers are helped as efficiently as possible. Observable Behavior: When already helping a customer, acknowledge other customers who are waiting in line. Example: “I am helping this user; I’ll be with you in a moment.” When helping a customer in person and another customer calls by phone, give priority to the onsite customer. Continued on next slide
Frontline Interaction continued Critical Practice: User priority management continued Observable Behavior: Establish unit priorities for efficient service. Examples: If the first customer in a line has a reference question, and the other customers in line have a quick question or need to check items out, ask the first customer to wait, saying, “Could you please wait for a moment? I’m going to quickly help these other customers first,” or ask other staff members to help serve the customers who are waiting.
Frontline Interaction continued Critical Practice: Greetings Performance Measure: Greetings to users are kept friendly and welcoming. Observable Behavior: Greet approaching customers, (i.e. “Hello, how may I help you?” Refrain from using rote responses, (i.e. “Paper or plastic?”)
Frontline Interaction continued Critical Practice: Referrals Performance Measure: Provide users with the necessary referrals to meet their needs. Observable Behavior: Refer customer to supervisor when customers’ needs exceed your expertise. When giving directions, supply campus or building maps. Give users detailed information when making referrals including phone number, name, hours of service and in what capacity they can help. Continued on next slide
Frontline Interaction continued Critical Practice: Referrals continued Observable Behavior: For in-person users, whenever possible, call referral for them in order to expedite the solution to their inquiry. Encourage customer to return to service point if their needs are not met. Follow up with customer if possible.