Major Modifications and System Modeling Use a Peltier cooler as an actuator instead of a power resistor. Relocate the ambient sensor further away from the aluminum blocks. According to the previous design of the temperature board, the transfer function of the open-loop system is
New Temperature Control Board System Schematics
Peltier Cooler Temperature range: -20 o C~85 o C
Paralleled Amplifier Configuration This configuration is often used when a single amplifier is incapable of being operated into a low impedance load or dissipation per amplifier is to be reduced without increasing the load impedance or reducing power delivered to the load. The output current is now shared by both amplifiers - each amplifier supplies half the load current, and the dissipation per amplifier is halved.
Technical Obstacles The control signal of the Peltier cooler is bidirectional (-4.5V~4.5V), but the temperature board only provide voltage from 0~9V. How to convert the voltage signal? How to transform the old architecture that is based on the power resistor to the new one that is based on the Peltier cooler? Overcome the current dissipation problems of LMC6484IN op amps from the motor control board with paralleled amplifier configuration.