How to Read and Understand Your Electronic Budget Statements March 29, 2005 Presented By: Tucson Smith, CAHNRS-BFO Esther Tate, CAHNRS-BFO
Budget Statements are delivered via as a.pdf file through an automatic electronic scheduler called Infoburst Adobe Acrobat is required to open the.pdf file Budget Statements are sent around the 10 th of each month The budget statement shows the balance as of the end of the last month Example: 3/31/05 Detail covers one month of activity Example: March 1, 2005-March 31, 2005
From: Sent: Friday, March 11, :04 PM To: Subject: Budget Statement 12D Attached : Infoburst Budget Statement.pdf Document Description: Budget Statement Notes: Attached is your monthly budget statement for the above referenced account. If you have any questions about this budget statement please contact Esther Tate at 509/ or Sample
Navigating through the Electronic Budget Statement
Five Budget Statement Reports Expense by Object Expense by Object Subobject Expense Detail Revenue by Source Subsource Revenue Detail
Review Examples of Budget Statements Grants (11A-14Z) State Funds (09A) Development Accounts (17A) Service Centers (15T)
Expense by Object
Date report was generated Account Number Expenditures through:
Title of Project Project Period Percentage of Project Period Elapsed Percentage Spent to Date
Amount of Funding- Approved Budget Cumulative Expenditures Amounts obligated but not yet disbursed Allocation is not amount of cash received-see revenue reports
Allocation – Expense – Encumbrance = Balance This is how much you have left to spend in each category (Expense + Encumbrance) / Allocation = % Spent Not all commitments encumber
Time Slip Benefits Also called Overhead or Indirect Costs
Expense by Object Subobject This is a cumulative report which provides more detail for each budget category The first part of the subobject describes the basic category Wages: 01 The second part describes the specific expense Meals Taxable: MT
Total for the category is the same as the line item category on the Expense by Object Report
Only the subobject will appear on the Detail report
No expenditures to date for this budget category Totals the same as Expense by Object Report
Expense Detail Provides Detail for the Current Month-not a cumulative report Expense Category Time period for these expenses Fiscal Year Date expense posted to the account Description can be found on Expense by Object Subobject Report
Employee name The first 5 digits are the position number. The last alpha character is the employment type code. E=Admin/Prof C=Classified F=Faculty The document which directly initiated the transaction. The alpha prefix identifies the type of document. S=Salary & Benefit Encumbrance V=Payroll Batch Number Indicates the month worked Indicates the end date of the salary encumbrance
V=Payroll Batch Number Position number + employment type code H=nonstudent temporary U= student temporary Indicates the month worked
Vendor Name Vendor ID # B=Budget journal voucher BA=Blanket purchase order K=Purchase Order K=Purchase Order PC=Purchase Card P=Payment Request #
Employee ID# P=payment request # Travel Authority (TA) # B=budget journal voucher Travel Authority (TA) #
Payroll Period S=Salary & Benefit Encumbrance V=Payroll Batch Number Vendor ID #
F&A is calculated on the total of each day’s expenditures on the account
Revenue by Source Subsource This is a cumulative report of revenue. Source of Revenue Revenue received to date Amount Awarded Est. Revenue – Revenue Received = Variance Revenue is cash actually received
Revenue Detail Provides Detail for the Current Month-not a cumulative report No revenue was received during the time period of the budget statement
Revenue Detail Example of revenue received on a grant account that is periodically invoiced Billing Receivables System batch sequence # Invoice # Vendor ID #
Revenue Detail Example of revenue received from a letter of credit grant account Revenue (cash) is drawn down daily from the letter of credit revenue pool equal to the total daily expenditures on the grant
Example of State Account Amount of funding-Normally in operations can be allocated between objects Salaries (00) are encumbered to the end-date of the fiscal year, assignment, position or appointment; whichever comes first Carry forward Encumbrances are charged to new fiscal year dollars
Report truncated for presentation purposes Allocation Adjustment
Report truncated for presentation purposes Benefits on state funds automatically allocate
Example of Development Account Discretionary accounts (scholarship and development) supported by donations
Revenue deposited
Report truncated for presentation purposes Detail for revenue deposited
Example of Service Center Account Amount of funding to operations object 03
Automatically charged on revenue Revenue by Interdepartmental Requisition Invoice (IRI)
Source description- funds received for
Cash register transaction # Cash register # references what register deposited funds Income Journal Voucher-transfer of funds
Reconciling Budget Statements Keep a pending file for expenditures: Purchase orders, travel expense vouchers, etc. Monthly review and compare pending file documents with the budget statement When the expense posts to the account verify that the amounts are correct and reasonable Watch for incorrect charges and the proper posting of expenditures
Reconciling Budget Statements When corrections are needed please contact BFO or your department finance/budget manager 90-Day Rule for Grants (B.P.P.M ) Corrections must be initiated within 90 days of the date the expenditure posted on the account End of Fiscal Year In general, expenditures incurred in a given fiscal year cannot be transferred after the July cutoff date following year-end
Filing Budget Statements Save as an electronic file or Print out only the pages needed Expense by Object Expense Detail
Resources Business Policies and Procedures Manual B.P.P.M Budget Statement html To access the BPPM through domains go to:
Contact Us Tucson Smith Fiscal Specialist Supervisor 509/ Esther Tate Grant & Contract Specialist 509/ CAHNRS-Business & Finance Office 405 Hulbert Hall PO Box Pullman WA Fax: 509/