Stéphane Ducasse3.1 The Squeak Environment
Stéphane Ducasse3.2 Smalltalk Run-Time Architecture Virtual Machine + Image + Changes and Sources Image = bytecodes Sources and changes = code (text)
Stéphane Ducasse3.3 Runtime Architecture The byte-code is in fact translated into native code by a just-in-time compiler. The source and the changes are not necessary for interpreting the byte-code, this is just for the development. Normally they are removed for deployment. An application can be delivered as some byte- code files that will be executed with a VM. The development image is stripped to remove the unnecessary development components.
Stéphane Ducasse3.4 Mouse Semantics
Stéphane Ducasse3.5 World Menu and Open Menu
Stéphane Ducasse3.6 Browsing a class
Stéphane Ducasse3.7 Browsing methods
Stéphane Ducasse3.8 Inspector To look inside objects Violates encapsulation!!! Monster new inspect
Stéphane Ducasse3.9 Direct Manipulation Bring the halo Experiment
Stéphane Ducasse3.10 Behavioral Inspector Do not break encapsulation myObject behavioralInspect
Stéphane Ducasse3.11 Debugger?
Stéphane Ducasse3.12 Debugger !!!
Stéphane Ducasse3.13 FileList
Stéphane Ducasse3.14 ChangeSorter: to sort your changes
Stéphane Ducasse3.15 Message Names Finder
Stéphane Ducasse3.16
Stéphane Ducasse3.17 Methods in ChangeSets + Versions
Stéphane Ducasse3.18 Preferences
Stéphane Ducasse3.19 SUnit
Stéphane Ducasse3.20
Stéphane Ducasse3.21 Changes Menu…Recently logged files Everything you do is recorded
Stéphane Ducasse3.22 Change your Mind Everything you do is recorded !! So try and learn how to recover your code You are smart so –Experiment, –learn for you, browse, –be aggressive, ***all*** the code is there