Publishing on the WWW Macromedia Fireworks
What is Fireworks? Allows for the creation of web graphics Enables web designers to keep file sizes as small as possible while using web-safe colours Combines a vector drawing application with a bitmap editing program Alleviates the need to switch between drawing programs, bitmap programs, and specialised web utilities
What is it used for? Editable text Editable “live” effects Side-by-side export previews Animation features sit_me.htm Rollover buttons Advanced image slicing tools Transparency
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Tutorials Computer Arts EPP Grand Master - Fireworks Training Tools Tutorial Find Web Thang Tutorials - Fireworks
Adding Graphics to a HTML Document tag
Using the IMG Tag
IMG Tag Attributes ALIGN=type ALT=text BORDER=number HEIGHT=number HSPACE=number MAP ISMAP LONGDESC=url LOWSRC=url SRC=url USEMAP=url VSPACE=number WIDTH=number
Internet Explorer’s DYNSRC attribute CONTROLS DYNSRC=url LOOP=number|infinite START=fileopen|mouseover|fileopen, mouseover