Proprietary R&D investment paves the road to leading European ICT research communities Witold Staniszkis FP6/Ideal-IST Conference Warsaw, November 2002
Rodan Systems S.A Rodan Systems S.A. is a privately held software house developing proprietary software products (the OfficeObjects® family) in the area of document, content, workflow and knowledge management. We also develop bespoke information systems (over 25 large scale projects in last 10 years) and provide education and consulting services. There are more than 70 software engineers employed. Rodan Systems S.A. has exceeded 3.5 million Euro revenues in 2001, classified as 7th IT exporter, and 12th IT supplier to the public administration. Rodan Systems S.A. has been active in research currently participating in three IST research projects.
Software products OfficeObjects® Portal OfficeObjects® DocMan OfficeObjects® Archive OfficeObjects® HSM OfficeObjects® Workflow OfficeObjects® Imaging OfficeObjects® Repository Server OfficeObjects® eForms
Selected customers Road Inspection, Exchange Commission, SANPLAST, Authors' Association ZaiKS, Central Board of Customs, Commercial Union, Commissioner for Human Rights Protection Office, Creditanstalt Financial Advisers, Ernst&Young MCS, The Office of the Committee for European Integration, The Supreme Chamber of Control, Netia Telekom S.A., Polish National Bank, Polish Patent Office – Patent and Trademark Database, Polish Power Grid Company, Polish Press Agency, Polish Telecom, The Building Information Center, Government Information Centre, Ministry of National Economy, The Polish Securities and Exchange Commission, Road Transport Commission, Szczecin ShipYard Porta Holding, City Councils of Gdańsk, Częstochowa, Katowice, Bydgoszcz, Tarnów, Sosnowiec, Polish Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Polish Ministry of Transport and Maritime Economy, Polish Ministry of Education, Agency of Public Development, Job Inspection Office, Institute of National Memory, Polish Ministry of National Defence
Research - Intelligent CONtent Management System IST ICONS - Intelligent CONtent Management System IST Rodan Systems initiated and coordinates ICONS ICONS Partners: University DAUPHINE, University of Ulster, Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Centro di Ingegneria Economica e Sociale, InfoVide, Sema Belgium Budget is more than 3 million EURO (1,9 million founded). Duration 24 months. Effort 350 man months. The ICONS project focuses on bringing together into a coherent, web-based system architecture the advanced research results, technologies, and standards, in order to develop and further exploit the knowledge-based, multimedia content management platform.
INFOMIX: Boosting information integration IST INFOMIX Partners: Universita della Calabria (coordinator), Universita di Roma, Technical University Vienna, Rodan Systems The project focuses on powerful information integration by using advanced reasoning capabilities with respect to semi-structured data. Scalability of the approach requires the development of new optimization techniques that enable the handling of large amounts of data efficiently. COMPONENT + : Development and Application of New Built-in-Test Software Components in European Industries IST Partners: IVF Industrial Research and Development Corporation (Sweden), Tallin Technical University (Estonia), 4D Soft Ltd (Hungary), University of Rousse (Bulgaria), Isoft (Bulgaria) Rodan Systems joined the project to validate effectiveness of the innovative testing methodology in the real life development environment. Research
ICONS knowledge management INFOMIX advanced integration COMPONENT+ testing and quality assurance OfficeObjects® new product industrial catalyst Industry and research convergence
IST projects are not so hard to get provided that previously quite a lot of R&D work has been done alive contacts with other potential partners exist IST projects must be convergent with your corporate profile IST projects are excellent opportunity to invest in your products IST projects must be actively managed Summary Our opinion of the IST projects