Simple plane pendulum
Principle of Superposition is a solution
not a solution
Theoretical Methods Topological Analytical Numerical
Some Mathematica / Maple functionalities to be demonstrated : Analytic differentiation Analytic and numerical integration Taylor series Algebraic manipulations Plots Analytic and numerical solutions to ODEs and PDEs Series summations Animations Sound
Getting Mathematica Help General help 1.Enter shift-F1 to open the Help Browser 2.Menu-Bar: Help Tutorial Books. E.g., a)J.W.Gray, "Mastering Mathematica", AP (1994) b)T.B.Bahder, "Mathematica for Scientists & Engineers", Addison Wesley (1995) c)R.L.Zimmerman, F.I.Olness, "Mathematica for Physics", Addison Wesley (1995)
Specific help 1.Use search in Help Browser 2.Place cursor on word and press F1 3.Execute the command ?nameor ??name Wild card * accepted
Use Of Mathematica / Maple 1.Easy access to number crunching and plotting 2.Permit computer experimentation 3.Reduce mistakes 4.Encourage exploration
Examples of Mathematica Operations Differentiation and Integration01-1 Taylor Expansion01-2 Trigonometric and Algebraic Manipulations01-3 Plotting Data and Functions01-4 Numerical Solution for the Eardrum ODE01-5 Animation and Sound01-6 A Classical Mechanics Example01-7
Spencer’s Notes