UFCEPM-15-M Object-oriented Design and Programming Jin Sa
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Unit1: Object-oriented design and programming Introduction and Use cases Jin Sa
Aims of the module Gain an understanding of object-oriented concepts: analyse, design and implement systems. Be able to use UML to analyse and design an object-oriented system. Use a typical object-oriented programming language (e.g. Java) to implement an object- oriented design
Useful Reading “UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modelling Language (Object Technology S.)”, by Martin Fowler and Kendall Scott, ISBN number is: “Introduction to Java Programming – Comprehensive version, 6/e” (or 7/e) by Daniel Liang “Java Software Solution” by Lewis and Loftus Course notes Well known website
Content and schedule Unit 1 : Object-oriented design: introduction and use cases Unit 2: Object-oriented programming: getting started with Java Unit 3: Object-oriented design: objects and classes Unit 4: Object-oriented design: class relationship Unit 5: Assignment element 1 Unit 6: Object-oriented programming: objects and classes Unit 7: Object-oriented design: interaction modelling Unit 8: Object-oriented design and programming: inheritance and polymorphism Unit 9: Object-oriented design and programming: abstract classes and interfaces Unit 10: Assignment element 2 Unit 11: Object-oriented programming: graphic user interface (GUI) Unit 12: Object-oriented programming: event-driven programming January Exam
Object-orientation What is an object? – Knows something: data – Has a behaviour or does something: function Objects make up systems
Object-orientation lifecycle - simplified Use cases capture system functionalities Class model, interaction model and state/activity models capture the logical design of the system Use cases bridges the gap between requirement documents and the logical design Using the logical design, we create physical implementation using a specific language such as Java
Design is art! There are many ways to achieve the same end result. Design is opinionated. Design is subject to fashion! The important things are: Rationale and justification Reflection
UML “The Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artefacts of a software-intensive system.” [UML Specification 2.0] Reference: See student activity 1.2 in unit 1. (in own time)
UML Diagrams Two types: Structure and Behaviour Structure: static view, not about order of interaction, e.g. class diagram Behaviour: dynamic behaviour, – e.g. use case diagram illustrate how users interact with the system – e.g. sequence diagram focusing on interaction between objects and the sequence of these interaction
Diagram notations Use case diagram Class diagram
Diagram notations (2) Sequence diagram
In class exercises Read the case study in Section E – UweFlix Cinema – Through out this module, you maybe asked to design and implement various aspects of this case study
Use Cases and Actor Use case is “… a means for specifying required usages of a system” [UML spec. v2.0]. Software designer – maps groups of related scenarios to a series of use cases (captures the functional requirements) – establishes who (actors) interact with the use cases, and which use cases work with each other “An actor specifies a role played by a user or any other system that interacts with the subject.” [UML spec. v2.0]
Notation in UML
Content of Use Case A textual narrative that describes the functionality or requirements that the use case represents. For example, a use case that represented the process of buying an item would be given a name like “Purchase Item”. The contents would be a description describing of the process of purchasing an item. This description normally describes a series of interactions between the system and the actor. This process normally yields a result that is of value to the actor.
Example of a Use Case Description Buy a Product (Taken from UML Distilled p101) Main Success Scenario: 1.Customer browses catalogue and selects item to buy. 2.Customer goes to the check out. 3.Customer fills in shipping information 4.System presents full pricing information 5.Customer fills in credit card information 6.system authorizes purchase 7.System confirms sale 8.System sends confirming to customer
Example of a Use Case Description (2) Extensions 3a: Customer is a regular customer.1 System displays current shipping information.2 Customer may accept or override 6a: System fails to authorize credit purchases.1 Customer may re-enter credit card information or may cancel
In Class exercise Refer to the course notes section F student activity 1.4 Produce a Use case diagram for UWEFlix. Discussion about the Use Cases
Getting Familiar with NetBeans Refer to the course notes on this topic: Section G. Follow the activities set in the course notes. Do student activity 1.5