Boyle ’ s Law Mrs. Mujumdar Zhen (Jim) Qin 10/01/2008
Relationship Pressure and Volume: As one increases, the other decreases. Pressure and Volume: As one increases, the other decreases. For a sample of gas at a constant T: For a sample of gas at a constant T: PV = k P 1 V 1 = P 2 V 2
Lab Experiment They placed a partially inflated balloon inside of a bell jar. The vacuum then sucks the air out to simulate a change in atmospheric pressure. They placed a partially inflated balloon inside of a bell jar. The vacuum then sucks the air out to simulate a change in atmospheric pressure.
Remember … When the pressure is increased the volume decreases in an Inverse Proportion. When the pressure is increased the volume decreases in an Inverse Proportion. Likewise if the volume is decreased the pressure will decrease in a Inverse Proportion. Likewise if the volume is decreased the pressure will decrease in a Inverse Proportion. Boyles Law assumes that the temperature is kept constant Boyles Law assumes that the temperature is kept constant
Exercise and Questions When Greg and Pat reduced the pressure in the bell jar the balloon expanded. Why? When Greg and Pat reduced the pressure in the bell jar the balloon expanded. Why? Do you think that the boys added any heat to the air in the Bell jar? Do you think that the boys added any heat to the air in the Bell jar? At the start of the experiment the Balloon contained of 100 cc of air. The boys halved the pressure in the jar. Then they let some air back into the jar so that the pressure was 10% less than at the start. What was the final volume of the balloon? At the start of the experiment the Balloon contained of 100 cc of air. The boys halved the pressure in the jar. Then they let some air back into the jar so that the pressure was 10% less than at the start. What was the final volume of the balloon?