Columbia Basin College Welcome to Columbia Basin College Automotive Technology Program
AMT 111
n CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Theory of Operation Diagnosis Computer controlled Transmissions n HOURS AND CREDITS: 8:00 -9:00 a.m. 5 credits 2.0 minumum grade for degree
AMT 221 n TEXT, TOOLS, AND MATERIALS: Automatic Trans & Transaxles by Jack Erjavec A three ring notebook, with dividers Paper, pencils, highlighters n METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: Lecture Interactive video disc Computerized testing
AMT 221 n GOALS: Employable ASE test A-2 –Page 2 n COURSE OUTLINE: Safety II-A General Diagnosis II-D-4 Friction and Reaction Units
AMT 221 n EVALUATION: Attendance Attitude Test Scores Report Scores n ATTENDANCE: On 4th absence student will be referred to Associate Dean Three tardies equal one absence
AMT 221 n GRADING SYSTEM: See Handout
AMT LAB n CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Practical experiance Diagnosis Computer controlled Transmissions n HOURS AND CREDITS: 9:00 a.m. - 12:36 p.m. 9 credits (variable credit option) 2.0 minumum grade for degree
AMT LAB n TEXT, TOOLS, AND MATERIALS: Automatic Trans & Transaxles by Jack Erjavec Students required to provide hand tools See Tool list n METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: Hands on with student performing repairs Mock-ups, Customer cars Demonstrations by Instructor
AMT LAB n GOALS: Employable ASE test A-2 –Page 2 n COURSE OUTLINE: Safety II-A General Diagnosis II-D-4 Friction and Reaction Units
AMT LAB n ATTENDANCE: On 4th absence student will be referred to Associate Dean Three tardies equal one absence n GRADING SYSTEM: See Handout
AMT LAB n EVALUATION & GRADING SYSTEM: Attendance Attitude Number of different tasks performed Quality of work performed Quanity of work (# of flat rate hours)
AMT LAB n Lab grade will be determined from repair orders written by the student, for repairs (tasks) performed on customer vehicles. n Mock-ups do not count toward tasks n 31 Tasks required to pass AMT n Two P-1, Twenty-two P-2, Seven P-3