info processing 1 Information Processing in Motor Behavior
info processing2 n Models of information processing were prevalent from the 1950’s ’s n Represented a shift in focus from product to process. Subjects’ experience and activities engaged in became important components in the analysis of tasks.
info processing3 Input PerceptionDecisionEffectorOutput Intrinsic Information Feedback Extrinsic Information Feedback A serial model of information processing. STMLTM
info processing4 “Central Assumptions Underlying Information Processing” (Stelmach, 1982; p.66) n “Numerous processing stages occur between stimulus and response. n The sequence of processing stages is initiated by stimulus presentation. n Each stage operates only on information available to it.
info processing5 n Each stage transforms in some way the information supplied to it, an event which requires time for accomplishment n Upon completion of processing performed at one stage, the transformed information is made available to the next stage of processing” (Stelmach, 1982, p.66).
info processing6 Perception n Clarity and Intensity n Detection n Recognition n Comparison n Selective Attention
info processing7 Short-term memory n Utilization n Organization n Execution n Evaluation
info processing8 What is working memory? n Working memory is another way of describing short-term memory. The working memory perspective views the short-term memory as a workbench where input is received, matched with past experiences, and responses are shaped. n Some patterns, ideas, information is received from STM and stored in some form for long term use. n Information is reshaped and transferred for performance.
info processing9 Decision n Simple, choice, and discrimination reactions n Fractionated Reaction Time n Premotor reaction time n Motor reaction time n Single channel processing n Attention n Selective attention n Psychological refractoriness (the “fake”)
info processing10 Effector n Open loop and closed loop models
info processing11 Input PerceptionDecisionEffectorOutput Intrinsic Information Feedback Extrinsic Information Feedback A serial model of information processing. STMLTM
info processing12 Output n Biomechanical analysis of motor patterns provides information about the consistency and diversity of movement parameters. The movement process can be described through these analyses.
info processing13 Dynamic systems models n the environment (environmental constraints) n the physical properties (mechanical constraints) n the morphology (anatomical constraints)
info processing14 S-R tradition Hierarchical Models Dynamic Systems Models (motor control)