Announcements Extra credit opportunities coming up: – Pick a paper and present it to the rest of the class – Check out the schedule for dates and a list of papers Project: Evaluation plan due this Friday at midnight (no extension this time for sure!)
Review Reflection-in-action: – describes how designers approach design tasks Steps – Framing: defining the problem – Acting: solving the problem or moving closer to solving it – Reflecting: assessing consequences of actions to inform future moves Why reflection-in-action? – Helps you carry out each step of PRICPE
Supporting designers: facilitating dynamic paper prototyping CS352 Summer 2010
Paper prototyping How? Dynamic paper prototyping? How?
Dynamic (interactive) paper – For evaluating with user at a very low-cost.
In-class activity 20 min to read the FrameWire paper by Li et al. from CHI 2010 Answer the following questions: – What was the problem? – How did they go about solving it? (e.g., methods, evaluation) – How did they reflect upon their practice? (e.g., admitting limitations) – What aspects of this paper relate to this course? (e.g., paper prototypes)
How to read a paper Three passes: 1.Abstract Intro Conclusions What the paper is about? 2.Rest of the sections but only topic sentences. Main arguments but omit the “whys”. E.g., “We built a 900-sqrft dog house” not the why. 3.Read every word, asking yourself “If I were to re- create a system like this, would I have done it differently?” To critique. Advantages, disadvantages, etc.