Rocky River High School Presented by: Guidance Counselors
A-Dh: Ms. Cruz Di-J: Ms. Felker K-Rh: Ms. Foster Ri-Z: Ms. Brand
Started 9 th grade in: 2007 or 2008= 28 credits CRP vs. CTP vs. CP Started 9 th grade in 2009 or 2010= 24 credits FRC
English I Algebra I Biology Civics/Economics US History THESE MUST BE PASSED WITH A III OR IV
9 th to 10 th Earn six (6) in any course + 1 exit standard test 10 th to 11 th Earn twelve (12) including: English I, English II, and Algebra I + 2 exit standard tests 11 th to 12 th Earn eighteen (18) including: English I, English II, and Algebra I + 3 exit standard tests
GPA: Grade Point Average Weighted v. Un-weighted Class Rank: Where do you fall within your class? Example: 12 out of 355 Credits: How many do you have? Earned vs. Potential
If there is an error with grades- come to Guidance If there is an error with contact information- come to Guidance for required forms
Entry year ’07 & ‘08 CRP/CTP: Intro, Alg I, Tech I, Tech II CP/DUAL: Alg I, Geom, Alg II, AFM/Pre- Calc Entry year ‘09 & ‘10 FRC: Alg I, Geom, Alg II, AFM/Pre-Calc
Is it needed to graduate? No, to graduate from high school (FRC) Yes, if you are attending a 4 year college/university Yes, if it is your Concentration
Concentrations Arts & Audio/Visual Technology Communication Health Science Finance Business Management & Administration Marketing Sales & Service Information Technology Hospitality & Tourism
Performing and Visual Arts 4 Band/Choir 4 Art/Crafts/Photo Foreign Language 4 years (in high school) ROTC ROTC I-IV Advanced Placement (AP) 4 AP courses Math 4 additional math courses outside of required Science 4 additional science courses outside of required
Course offering book Registration card AP forms College Experience form NCVPS (online courses) form Copy of your transcripts
8 classes and 3 alternative classes Alternatives should be BOTH (4x4 and A/B day) 1 core class per subject 1 English, 1 Math, 1 Science, 1 Social Studies Teacher approval signatures Teachers must sign next to the class you are selecting
Some classes have pre-reqs that need to be completed Example: Art II needs to have Art I completed Example: Accounting I needs to have Algebra I completed Example: Apparel II needs to have Apparel I completed Example: Anatomy needs to have Chemistry completed Some classes have fees Apparel Development Housing & Interiors Photography Advanced Placement requires fee for Exam
Teacher signatures Registration Card Advanced Placement forms Parent signature Registration Card Advanced Placement forms College Experience form NCVPS form
If you have English THIS semester, we will meet with you during your English class If you had English LAST semester, we will meet with you during 2 nd block (you will get a pass) If you are absent on your meeting date, we will find you for a make-up date… If you are absent on your make-up date: COUNSELOR MAKES YOUR CARD!! Meetings start: March 16 th
Wednesday, March 14 th Due to 1 st period teacher If you are absent that day, turn it in the day you return NO CARD= COUNSELOR MAKES YOUR CARD AND NO CLASS CHANGES WILL BE ACCEPTED
Juniors and Seniors Take course at CPCC in the afternoon/evening Must pay for books Must have reliable transportation Must have 2.5 GPA Must have signed form
North Carolina Virtual Public School (online) Take summer courses Take online course in the fall Take classes from home computer Must have reliable internet connection Must have reliable address
Where do I sign up? (SAT) (ACT) Make sure to register before the deadline See websites for deadlines and locations Important classes to take before the test Take Spring of Junior year (after Algebra II) Take Fall of Senior year **Always good to take the tests at least 2 times** Practice, Practice, Practice Purchase or Borrow the SAT/ACT Prep Book Go onto for additional help If finances work out, attend a SAT/ACT review class
Saturday, March 20 th : CMS College Fair Location: The PARK Dress professionally First impression, these are the people in admissions Bring index card with contact information Easier to read then filling out bubbles Make sure to speak up and be heard Lots of people there, get admissions reps name
South Carolina colleges and universities have an additional requirement for acceptance admissions: You MUST take both CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS During registration Juniors should take either Chemistry or Physics Seniors should take the other one (Chemistry or Physics)
Start creating a resume during your 9 th grade year Keep record of EVERYTHING!! Community Service Honor Roll Awards Sports & Clubs Go onto college websites during the summer to view their required essays Start working on the essay during summer break Get people to review and make corrections
Juniors- treat this as a “Research” year Apply for Junior Scholarships Visit college campuses Create your Top 5 college list Start reviewing the Senior Scholarship Newsletter
US Military Academy (West Point) US Naval Academy US Merchant Marines US Air Force Academy US Coast Guard Academy Check out the Rocky River Website (Student Services section) for more information
Get scholarship information Get College Planning information Get summer program information View Guidance announcements Helpful website Request a transcript Website: StudentServices.aspx StudentServices.aspx