Gen 5 MC validation… ( top mass template )  Rec. Mtop - Pythia 5.3.2 vs 4.11.1 (-0.9) - Herwig 5.3.1 vs 4.11.1 (-0.7) - Herwig 5.3.2 vs 4.11.1 (+3.3)


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Presentation transcript:

Gen 5 MC validation… ( top mass template )  Rec. Mtop - Pythia vs (-0.9) - Herwig vs (-0.7) - Herwig vs (+3.3) - but Mtop=178 for Pythia and Herwig  What is wrong in Pythia 5.3.2? - Herwig (Mtop: 175->178) 2% up, Pt(W,b) - Pythia (Mtop: 175->178) 2% up for Pt(b), 2% down for Pt(W) Mtop=170.6 Mtop=169.9 Mtop=170.6 Mtop=173.9 Mtop=170.9 Mtop=170.0

Gen 5: Top mass tempalte anal. (Herwig) Partons found0.93 matched Jets Right comb Chisq cut0.79/ /0.82 b-tag for candiate evt b-tag eff. is reduced by 15%, Does this mean that scale factor is now closed to 1?

Herwig Photos ( for10k ttbar events) uds W(mainly lepton channel) t->bg