T.Sharon-A.Frank 1 Internet Resources Discovery (IRD) Multimedia - Motivation & Definition
2 T.Sharon-A.Frank “The Dumb Computer” Mono-media until recently Text only Human is very limited!
3 T.Sharon-A.Frank “The Dumb Computer” Lately enhanced by graphics –icons –windowing Human still has to lower oneself!
New hardware-device from Microsoft
5 T.Sharon-A.Frank Human Computer System - Schematic Structure Grasp Remember Data Processing Decision Making Activate Hands Legs Head... Senses Vision Hearing Touching Displays Controls Perform Control Commands Automatic Actions Human Computer
6 T.Sharon-A.Frank Minsky’s Dumbbells Soft systems (People etc.) Formalisms Interface design User Psychology Software tools Task Analysis Hardware tools Hardware Technology push Applications pull
7 T.Sharon-A.Frank Bridging the Semantic Gap The Gap People Computers The shaded area represents an area of shared understanding
8 T.Sharon-A.Frank Engineer the Product, not the Human
9 T.Sharon-A.Frank Relationship of HCI with other Disciplines Computer Systems Applications Software Engineering HCI Knowledge Based Systems Ergonomics Communications Psychology Cognitive Science HCI Human Computer Interaction
10 T.Sharon-A.Frank Modern Multimedia (Computer) 1. Multiple Media/Technologies 2. Computerized/Digital 3. Integrated Computer Support 4. Human Control and Interaction
11 T.Sharon-A.Frank Multiple Media maps audio video pictures text graphics ABC
12 T.Sharon-A.Frank Device Proliferation
13 T.Sharon-A.Frank Multimedia Workstation CD-ROM Voice Recognition Unit Speech Synthesis Unit Video Graphics Frame Grabber Audio x Communication Fax
14 T.Sharon-A.Frank Hypertext Linear Text Hypertext
15 T.Sharon-A.Frank Hypertext - HTML
16 T.Sharon-A.Frank Hypermedia HypertextHypermedi a Multimedia
18 T.Sharon-A.Frank Communication History Wheel B.C Paper 105 AD Printing Press 1450s Fax 1843 Telephone 1876 Automobile ~1900 Radio 1901 Powered Flight 1903 Television 1927 Computer 1945 The Internet
19 T.Sharon-A.Frank Waves of Computer Systems First wave (50-60’s) Computers as data processing machines Second wave (Internet, 70-80’s) Computers as communication machines Third wave (starting in the mid 90’s) Means to perceive and control the environment –multimedia system acting as the interface between humans and the environment. Industrial Multimedia Systems
20 T.Sharon-A.Frank Boundaries Between: Computing, Communications and Entertainment
21 T.Sharon-A.Frank Multimedia Technology Fueling Convergence of Domains