The Health Sciences Library: where we have been and where we are going Presentation to HSL Board of Visitors Dec 8, 2005
We achieved a 21 st century transformation –Funded by taxpayer approved bonds –Institutional funds –Private gifts –$13 million
What we endured Noise Dust Disruption Collections split No space to study or work Two years
What we gained Comfortable space for users and staff Collections compacted on site Special collections storage Technology everywhere
What we gained Classrooms and media development labs Collaboration spaces Ceremonial spaces
What it has meant Use of print sources is 4.5% higher Use of online sources is 61% higher Online information assistance increased 32%
Education assistance has increased Library use overall increased 122% Community outreach increased 100% more classes 110% more NCHI use What it has meant
A transformed Library… a new gathering place Exhibits: The Human Element Classes: Nat. Center Biotechnology Info. Conferences: NIH site visits… Videoconferences: International Genomics Meetings: Medical Alumni Association Teamwork: technology enabled (VizWall) Library space and expertise
A transformed Library… expertise inside the Library
A transformed Library…and expertise outside the Library
What happens next Are we a showpiece without substance?? –Ongoing investments in technology, staff –Premier biomedical collections in peril –Must protect our intellectual assets Digital and print curation Increased access and use of primary sources Community outreach is a commitment –Grants and partnerships
How you can help Collections funding –Named acquisitions funds in each school –Distinguished professor library funds Curation funding –Blythe Fund to support curator for special collections conservation and use Partnership building
Where are we now Collections –Need $2.8M annually, have $2.2M Includes about $20K gifts and income annually –Need $150K annually (=$3M endowment) Curation –Need $97.5K annually, have $60K Sources are gifts and income –Need $37.5K annually (=$750K gift)
Partnership building –Collaborators on grants (AHEC) –Library support written into grants (Malawi) –What else?
Thank you for your support!!