Types of Family Nuclear Family Extended Family Single-parent Family Reconstituted Family
Characteristics of Contemporary American Families Diversity is the norm Marrying, having children later Higher divorce rates More single-parent families More remarriages/ reconstituted families More births to single moms/ decline in birth rate Higher family incomes
Family Systems Perspective Not child-focused All members are equally important
Components of family- centered practice Focus on family Emphasis on mutual respect and teamwork Organize assistant to individual family needs Consider family strengths, talents, resources, attributes and aspirations Address family needs holistically (all members) Give families information in supportive manner Recognize that there are typical family reactions Deliver services without disrupting family integrity and routine
Reactions to Raising a Child with a Disability Confronting Phase Shock Denial Anxiety Guilt Adjusting Phase Depression Anger Acceptance Adapting Phase Life-cycle changes Realistic planning Adjusting expectations
Strategies to promote Family Empowerment Involve families in planning Personalize contacts between helpers and families Networking with other families Child-care and transportation Offer variety of activities Focus on prevention of risk factors Advocate for collaborative community services
Collaborative Teaming Common goal or set of goals to which all parties agree Agreement on strategies for achieving each goal Commitment to meaningful interactions, individual skill development, and task completion Commitment to positive interdependence Commitment to system of decision making and accountability