EMayor Confidential ProprietaryIST Priority - No 507217 Venue:Bolzano Author(s): Nineta Polemi ( ) Organisations: University of Pireus.


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Presentation transcript:

eMayor Confidential ProprietaryIST Priority - No Venue:Bolzano Author(s): Nineta Polemi ( ) Organisations: University of Pireus Date: 4/3/05 eMayor Clustering Event ICGOV2005 Panel Session: Secure eGovernment Services

eMayor Confidential ProprietaryIST Priority - No Objectives of the session   Share experience   Identify barriers / open problems   Propose research topics / directions   Propose ways to promote national & international collaborations

eMayor Confidential ProprietaryIST Priority - No Organisational Issues the cross-certification of these entities. This is still an open Egovernment can not be approached in a unified manner (different requirements for different types of governmental organisations) Taxonomy of e-government organisations and services (national, pan European), business models Reengineer and standardize work flows Development of a new culture for governance in public services, including new mindsets and sets of values, new behaviors.

eMayor Confidential ProprietaryIST Priority - No  Security needs should be unified from both users and e-government providers perspectives  Invest in training for the secure use of e-government services  Best practices on successful secure e-government services need to be collected and further exploited.

eMayor Confidential ProprietaryIST Priority - No Technological Issues / next generation “pre-packaged” user friendly, interoperable, secure, affordable, e/m-government services & identity management systems XML based browsers for mobile devices, mobile Web Services messaging and security & cryptography on mobile Web Services. Design and development of libraries for mobile Web Services messaging Design and development of mobile Web Services Security & Cryptography libraries and toolkits. Automated generation and comparison of security and privacy policies. Quality Assurance of e-government systems, services and architectures need to be exploited (Common Criteria may provide the necessary process)

eMayor Confidential ProprietaryIST Priority - No The development of knowledge representation techniques and methodologies for a multimedia content repository, development of user interface design and management tools meeting the requirements of the information architecture methodology. Frameworks for combining privacy requirements and e- government processes and services Evaluation & validation for security architectures Enhance biometrics in order to cope with new challenges Tools for implementing and auditing security policies in the governmental sector Software solutions for provision of anonymity, reference implementations

eMayor Confidential ProprietaryIST Priority - No  Common methodologies for management tools of governmental repositories.  User interfaces coping with the local specificities.

eMayor Confidential ProprietaryIST Priority - No Legal/ Policy/Standards Security, Privacy, Application Policies (for the e- government applications). Legal validation of IT architectures, services and cross border documents in governmental flows. Cross-border identity management Standardisation of work flows, services, XML schemata for e-government, security (OASIS, W3C, NISSG) Political acceptance

eMayor Confidential ProprietaryIST Priority - No  Harmonise standardization efforts in secure e- government services  Standardisation bodies need to collect and consider citizens and e-government providers view points.  Standardisation efforts are needed in the area of privacy, policies, IDS, verification and validation.

eMayor Confidential ProprietaryIST Priority - No E-Mayor Clustering Projects  eMayor  OPRAS  FIDIS  BIOSEC  Intelcities  GUIDE  Secure E-Justice  SELIS

eMayor Confidential ProprietaryIST Priority - No Objectives of Clustering Actions  RoadMap Workshops (update the list of open research themes for secure e-government). Denmark2003 (IST2003), Greece 2004 (ebusiness forum), Italy2005 (TCGOV2005),….  Collective Standardisation efforts  Collaboration of researchers (not duplication of work)