Montpellier, ELCSG outreach meeting, 15.11.03 Michael Kobel, Bonn 1 Euro Science Open Forum 2004, Stockholm,


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Presentation transcript:

Montpellier, ELCSG outreach meeting, Michael Kobel, Bonn 1 Euro Science Open Forum 2004, Stockholm, Aim: highlight science in Europe. present science and the humanities at the cutting-edge stimulate scientific awareness foster debate on science and society Participants in 2004 will be academics, policy makers, politicians and representatives from media and the science based industries. In the name of ECFA the outreach subcommittee of the ELCSG has prepared a session proposal in collaboration with EPOG: „From Quarks to Galaxies“ (3h session w/ 5 talks + exhibition)session proposal G.t’Hooft (theor,NL,57): The Nature of Matter and Forces L.Verde (phenom,I(US), 31): The Cosmic Connection U.Amaldi (exper,I,69): From Accelerators to Cancer Therapy U.Danielsson (theor,SE,39): Theories Spanning Time and Space of the Universe A.Wagner (exper,D,61): Tools for the next Decades Decision of Organisers: by December Funding: Application Stifterverband Germany joint „PUSH“ action of German industry for German session organizers speakers (+organizers): travel, accomodation, daily allowance: 9600 € exhibition (transport + travel&accomodation for ‘tutors’): 7500 € (above max!)

Montpellier, ELCSG outreach meeting, Michael Kobel, Bonn 2 Exhibition (preliminary suggestion) Standard Model: Detector parts, or models of detectors crucial for standard model hands-on educational model of an accelerator (DESY), Astroparticle physics 3D animated model of the southpole Amanda detector (slow-motion time development of real cosmic neutrino events) Medical applications part of “hadrons for health” (old, not suited?) material from GSI Darmstadt Beyond the Standard Model big animated model of the ATLAS experiment New tools / machines Models and animations of TESLA cavities and other LC structures To Do *now*: 1.Agree on (quasi) final list of exhibits 2.Contact ESOF organizers for space availability 3.Get a decent cost estimate for updating the funding application in December

Montpellier, ELCSG outreach meeting, Michael Kobel, Bonn 3 2 DO LIST, after approval Organize talks unappropriate (e.g. too scientific) talks could really do harm!!  unappropriate (e.g. too scientific) talks could really do harm!! Fix content, suited for target audience Organize rehearsals !? who, when, where, how? need early deadlines for first talk draft (May?) Organize Exhibition transport tutors Send out invitations politicians, policy makers media industry?