The Industrial Revolution Readings: Spodek
The Industrial Revolution Has its main effects from : Has its main effects from : Time of transformation of work Time of transformation of work From hand to machine From hand to machine From rural areas to cities From rural areas to cities Created social classes Created social classes Workers, the Proletariat Workers, the Proletariat Changed family life Changed family life
Changes which occurred because of the Industrial Revolution Migration to industrialized nations Migration to industrialized nations Changed way of buying and selling Changed way of buying and selling Creation of new leisure activities Creation of new leisure activities Transferred balance of power toward industrialized countries Transferred balance of power toward industrialized countries
Why ENGLAND? Science most advanced Science most advanced Protestantism Protestantism Agricultural Revolution most advanced in England Agricultural Revolution most advanced in England
New Technology
John Kay—Flying Shuttle (1733) John Kay—Flying Shuttle (1733) James Hargreaves—Spinning Jenny (1764) James Hargreaves—Spinning Jenny (1764) Samuel Cromptom— “The Mule” (1779) Samuel Cromptom— “The Mule” (1779) Edmund Cartwright—Power Loom (1775) Edmund Cartwright—Power Loom (1775) Eli Whitney– Cotton Gin (1793) Eli Whitney– Cotton Gin (1793)
New Bottleneck is Factory problems Factory location because of Factory size. Factory location because of Factory size. Fuel problems Fuel problems England was running out of wood England was running out of wood Coal accumulated water in the mines so that pumps had to be used Coal accumulated water in the mines so that pumps had to be used
Engines Savery—1698 Savery—1698 Necomen—1705 Necomen—1705 John Wilkinson did a boring mill in 1774 John Wilkinson did a boring mill in 1774 James Watt did the steam engine in 1775 James Watt did the steam engine in 1775 George Stephenson came up with the “The Iron Horse in 1829 George Stephenson came up with the “The Iron Horse in 1829
England and the Consequences of the Industrial Revolution Technology used to transform means of war Technology used to transform means of war 1851—England produced 2/3 of the world’s coal. 1851—England produced 2/3 of the world’s coal. England produced ½ the world’s iron and cotton. England produced ½ the world’s iron and cotton. Problems in factories Problems in factories Standard of living? Standard of living?