Sophomore Design A Proposed Project Format R. E. Haskell 4/26/2003
Sophomore Design Common design project (competition) for all groups Model of “automated highway system” in which a vehicle automatically follows a “line” on the road Competition at the end of the term in which groups “race” their vehicles by following a “black-tape” course
Automatic Lane Detection
Example Demo Click photo for video clip
Base design on 2-wheel drive Click photo for video clip
Vehicle IR Sensors MC9S12DP256
Infrared Sensor Layout Fairchild QRD1113/1114 $0.79
IR Sensor Schematic Have EE faculty give a lecture on how transistors work and how to design this circuit to produce an output voltage V.
Sharp GP2D120 IR sensor $13.50 Measures distances from 4 cm. to 30 cm. Analog output Use to measure distance to car in front
H-Bridge Design PWM 5V REF 1k M IN Have EE faculty give a lecture on how transistors work and how to design an H-bridge to provide proper current to a specific motor. How to solder.
Equation for V s, V f, V R, V L V R = V f + (d*V s ) / 2 V L = V f - (d*V s ) / 2 r d VLVL VRVR VSVS Have ME faculty give a lecture on linear and angular velocities and how to compute motor speeds to produce particular robot speeds and steering. Mechanical design, cutting holes, etc.
CML-9S12DP256 Single board Computer Have CS/CE faculty give lectures on how to program the MC9s12DP256 in C. Have CS/SYS faculty give lectures on how to design control algorithms for the robot
CSE 480 – Fall 2003 Have groups “design” and test this Sophomore design project Each group has a $200 limit for their vehicle Design should maximize speed to win race while maintaining safety by not running into car ahead on multiple car test