LINKS ld+nugget&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&biw=1440&bih=663&tbs=ic:sp ecific,isc:brown&tbm=isch&tbnid=- uaCI7JVm1JQwM:&imgrefurl= ggets.htm&docid=hGtJJ1GeXijD- M&w=463&h=444&ei=5IBATsnFHYfrrQfakuSpBw&zoom=1&iact=rc &dur=562&page=1&tbnh=155&tbnw=164&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t: 429,r:8,s:0&tx=83&ty=64
WHEN WAS GOLD DISCOVED Gold was first discoved in new south wales by James McBride. Gold was found in the blue mounts in 1813 the 2 nd discovery was by john Oxley in Wellington valley which he named for the iron duke. The early record in the 1823 Bathurst, in Nsw by the same James McBride.
PANNING FOR GOLD This is one of the fist men to start panning for gold in creeks, rivers and more water holes. People started to dig there finger nails in the gold and put there nails trough there hair so it would stay in there and made them look good.
Gold nuggets of the world
QUESTIONS ABOUT GOLD NUGGET 1. how much did the gold nugget weigh. 2. what did they use to get the nugget out of the ground. 3. how tall was the nugget and how wide was it. 4.what did they do with the gold nugget now.
This what people do to make gold people melt gold and then they get tools to bang it cool it and shape it. Melting gold