By: Tyler Carlin Bobby White Natalie Natale Grace Dunn
New forms of literacies are made possible by new forms of technology
Newspapers Radio Text Audio Graphics Video E-book E-news
Teachers need to know about new technology Teachers need to know how to use new technology Assist students in the classroom with using new technology
The Clicker used in many classes for interactive education The clicker can be used for taking attendance, taking exams, or having the students respond to any questions Interactive 'clickers' changing classrooms MSNBC Interactive 'clickers' changing classrooms MSNBC
Expensive Computers range from hundreds of dollars to a little over a thousand dollars determining what brand you have iPad cost starts at $ Kindle cost $ An average soft cover book cost between $
New/updated technology is expensive It is more popular today in education A homework helper Helps teachers take attendance and receive feedback from a class with a lot of students