1 Emerging Industrial Clusters in the Global Information Sector - GIS Clusters, Networks & Alliances in the Telecommunication Sector 11 June 2003 Dr. Emanuela Todeva, University of Surrey Prof. David Knoke, University of Minnesota Donka Keskinova, Plovdiv University
2 Relational Analysis Clusters – co-presence as a relationship Alliances – resource linkages Networks – sets of relationships and transactions
3 Structuring of the Organisational Field
4 Typology of Industry Groupings & Clusters Porter Vertical production chains Aggregation of input connected sectors Regional clusters Industrial districts Business networks Innovative Milieus Taylor, Beaverstock, Pandit, & Cook New industrial district – small locally owned firms Satelite industrial platform – concentration of foreign subsidiaries Hub-and-Spoke – firms that supply a major client/corporation State-Anchored district – subcontractors and partners to government Sticky Mixes
5 Industry Groups & Strategic Choices Industry context (wider business Environment) Industry structure Strategic choices - Industry groups - Value chain - Niche product markets - Location of factors of production -Target markets -Location -Product portfolio -Technologies -Value capture -Resource dependencies first order effect second order effect sources and measures
6 Global Information Sector (GIS) clusters annual Fortune 500, Fortune 1000 and Global 500 lists 152 core firms in this global information sector from data on the primary and multiple secondary SIC codes for each firm in 1999 from Standard & Poor SPSS / UCINET cluster analysis
7 Comparisson: Ward’ method, Sq. Euclidian measure, * sorting by primary SIC code, ascending (C4) with ^sorting by name, descending (C8)
8 Correspondence Analysis by Counts of SIC code & 23 Industrial clusters Measure of Diversification Moderate Vs. extremist
9 Communication Based Business Networks