Apr 16, 2009PPA Department Heads MtngPage 1 Department Heads Meeting Steve Kahn & David MacFarlane April 16, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Apr 16, 2009PPA Department Heads MtngPage 1 Department Heads Meeting Steve Kahn & David MacFarlane April 16, 2009

Apr 16, 2009PPA Department Heads MtngPage 2 Agenda items *News and updates *Next steps for Work Planning and Control –Identify training requirements and potential “yellow” or “red” activities in PPA *Reminder about vehicle safety and accident reporting *Next steps on implementing R2A2s –Need to complete PPA R2A2s by May 15

Apr 16, 2009PPA Department Heads MtngPage 3 Budget and news from DOE *Financial Plan for FY2009 updated received April 6 th from DOE following passage of the omnibus bill –Overall HEP budget as expected ($87.5M + FACET); most B&R code changes implemented as agreed at March 3 annual budget meeting –Exceptions are $1M less for ATLAS (KA11), where planned increase is partially implemented pending the proton research review, and $500k for LSST (KA13); difference parked in detector operations *Review of BABAR & PEP-II D&D plans was held on March –BABAR D&D plans endorsed with recommendation to strengthen project performance and budget controls –Various scenarios were presented for PEP-II, but reviewers concluded no urgent actions are required before end of 2010, pending resolution of re-use opportunities –Reviewers were impressed by progress and plans on relief from the metals suspension *Comparative reviews of programs at 5 DOE HEP labs –June 8-12 for proton-accelerator based research, including Tevatron, LHC (SLAC/ATLAS program), and accelerator-based neutrino programs –July for Detector R&D program

Apr 16, 2009PPA Department Heads MtngPage 4 Budget and news from DOE *Twelve requests submitted April 6 th in response to OHEP call for supplemental funding proposals 1.ATLAS CSC ROD support 2.Work on SuperB accelerator TDR 3.R&D for fast timing measurements 4.Supplement for pre-engineering development on LSST camera 5.Exploratory development of role on Super CDMS and GeODM 6.Red cluster replacement for computational cosmology 7.Renovations for Theory Group move to the ROB 8.TT60 collimator high radiation test facility 9.X-band rf source development 10.Bump-bonding machine for 3-d silicon sensor development 11.Development and construction of the End Station Test Beam (ESTB) 12.InSpires development

Apr 16, 2009PPA Department Heads MtngPage 5 Other PPA news *PPA and PPA Faculty are proceeding with implementing the staff development plan –First group of staff scientists was approached to provide material for developing the case for promotion to senior or distinguished staff scientist –Three ad hoc promotion review committees have been gathering letters of recommendation and first discussions of individual cases are beginning *FY2010 LDRD program call for proposals –Funded by about 2.5% tax against lab budgets –Proposals reviewed on yearly basis but can be funded for no more than 3 years –Meant to support new ideas and strategic directions for the laboratory –PPA proposals to be submitted to Debbie Tryforos by April 24 th *SPC meeting upcoming on May 1-2 –PPA presentations on accelerator strategy, ATLAS and Fermi science

Apr 16, 2009PPA Department Heads MtngPage 6 Vehicle damage events

Apr 16, 2009PPA Department Heads MtngPage 7 Breakdown of cause

Apr 16, 2009PPA Department Heads MtngPage 8 Breakdown by Directorate

Apr 16, 2009PPA Department Heads MtngPage 9 Actions in response ActionWhoWhen Discuss the vehicle damage history with employees that persons operating a government vehicle must: – Have the skills to operate the vehicle – Visually inspect vehicles to ensure safe operation and take malfunctioning vehicles to Fleet Services for maintenance and repair (already in policy) – Visually inspect the exterior of the vehicle (360-degree inspection) for any physical damage to the vehicle. If the damage is not already recorded in the vehicle log, such damage must be reported to the vehicle custodian prior to operation of the vehicle. – Deliberately inspect surroundings for potential hazards prior to putting the vehicle in motion, and at all times while operating a vehicle, including stationary objects – Notify management when vehicles require major repair or modification – Immediately notify SLAC Site Security if a government-owned vehicle is damaged or involved in an accident ALDs4/30/09

Apr 16, 2009PPA Department Heads MtngPage 10 Status of R2A2 implementation *Completion of R2A2s is a SLAC-wide milestone built into the PEMP for FY2009 –PPA has committed to complete all R2A2s by May 15 *We have been working towards the use of individual R2A2s captured as a “Job Summary” and generic R2A2s –Has the virtue of focusing in on the specific, thereby making the preparation both a simpler and more manageable task –Leads to greater uniformity in understanding the broad set of R2A2 expectations *Two example sets are now available –Fermi ISOC as an organization, from Department Head to individual staff level –PPA Department Heads as a group (partially complete)

Apr 16, 2009PPA Department Heads MtngPage 11 Plan from now to May 15 *Extending these examples to the rest of PPA –Departments Heads are requested to work down their organizations to produce draft Job Summaries for all staff Exclude RAs and graduate students, who are reviewed as part of the academic process Exclude PPA Faculty, except in their role as a line manager –Due date for draft job summaries is Friday, May 1 –Division Heads will have at best a short period to review the resulting department packages, provide feedback, and iterate for final set of Job Summaries by the hard deadline of May 15 –Administrative support provided by Kathy Webb *Performance reviews –Format under discussion, but expect that the job summaries will be the basis of future assessment

Apr 16, 2009PPA Department Heads MtngPage 12 Available examples *Department Heads –See for example Rob Cameron (Fermi ISOC), Marty Breidenbach (EXO & SiD), Blair Ratcliff (BABAR/SuperB) *Supervisor –See for example Ric Claus (Fermi ISOC/ATLAS) *Staff scientist –See for example Tom Glanzman (Fermi ISOC) or Jim Panetta (Fermi ISOC/ATLAS) *Cases involving multiple projects –Job summary will have R2A2s related to different functions, that should be worked up with the appropriate functional supervisors –Administrative supervisor should take overall responsibility for coordinating with functional supervisors; both administrative and functional supervisors need to sign-off on job summary