Climate, Location, Rainfall Tropical Rainforests Climate, Location, Rainfall & Layers
Tropical Rainforests This is the earth’s most complex biome with many different animals and plants Biome: A complex community characterized by certain plant and animal species and maintained under a certain condition of the region (
Location Tropical rainforests are located near the equator These Rainforests are found in Central and South America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and Northern Australia
Climate Since all tropical rainforests are located near the equator, the temperature is similar year round and the humidity is high The average temperature is 80 degrees Fahrenheit The sun hits the tropical rainforests for 12 hours each day, causing a high rate of photosynthesis and lush green trees
Rainfall Tropical Rainforests receive 9-12 feet of rainfall each year There is no “dry” season in these rainforests, as it rains all year
Layers Emergent Canopy Understory Forest Floor Tallest trees in the rainforest Many birds and insects live here Canopy Dense leaves and trees Many birds, insects, reptiles and mammals live here Understory Under the branches, above the ground Dark and cool area Forest Floor Many insects live here
Fun Facts The Amazon Rainforest makes about 40% of the world’s oxygen Even though the Tropical Rainforest covers only 2% of our Earth’s surface, over half of the world’s animals, plants, and insects live here! Less than 1% of the species that exist in the rainforest have been found