Multiple Regression What is our research question? How does IV1, IV2, IV3 influence the DV What unique contribution to variation in the DV does IV1 make when holding IV2 & IV3 constant? What unique contribution to the DV does IV2 make when holding IV1 & IV3 constant?
Example: TVhours regressed onto Educ, Age, Income Hr1: As education increases TV viewing decreases. Hr2: As income increases TV viewing decreases. Hr3: As age increases TV viewing increases.
Unique & Shared Variation
Output Important Statistics: R-squared = The amount of variation explained by all of the IVs taken together. AVOVA Box F Test=Tells us if the regression model is a good fit for this data. T-Test= Significance test for each Beta.
How to read B & Beta: B is the unstandardized beta. Tells us the amount of change in the DV for a one unite change an IV, holding all other IVs constant. Beta is the standardized beta. Tells us about the strength of an IV on the DV holding all other IVs constant. The largest Beta has the strongest impact on the IV. Beta can range from -1 to +1 with 0 indicating no relationship.
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