Personal Action Plan Objectives 1.Initiate a shift from our current PPM&E system that emphasises control to a learning approach which recognizes that diverse experiences will be generated under different local conditions providing better support to MLF’s policy planning cycle 2.Execute a plan that trials changes identified in Obj. 1 to promote local ownership of government policies and thereby the likelihood of sustained impact
Personal Action Plan Scope One government policy to be selected for this trial Selection will be based on ease of understanding and appreciation of policy
Personal Action Plan Key lesson learnt Monitoring Evaluation Planning Appreciating the big picture-going the full circle
Personal Action Plan Other lessons learnt Principal steps in planning: 1.Stakeholder analysis 2.Situation analysis 3.Strategic planning 4.Operational planning
Personal Action Plan Other lessons learnt (2) Principal steps in setting up M&E system Within a participatory framework: 1.Develop an M&E framework 2.Develop an M&E plan to include Performance questions Indicators
Personal Action Plan Other lessons learnt (3) Implement M&E system 1.Information gathering and management 2.Review and critical reflection 3.Communicating and reporting
Personal Action Plan Primary stakeholders Minister & Directors Heads of executive agencies PM&E officers Administrative support staff Reps from MLF’s external stakeholders
Personal Action Plan Resistance to change from internal stakeholders Anticipated constraints Antidote – bring all on board! 1.Explain benefits of PPM&E system to Minister 2.Promote appreciation of relevance of PPM&E to each stakeholder group 3.Ensure all-inclusiveness in PPM&E design & implementation
Personal Action Plan 1.Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System designed 2.Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System trialed 3.Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System implemented Outputs
Personal Action Plan ACTIVITYMarAprMayJunJulStakeholders 1.1Back to office orientation 1.1.1Debriefing with superiors Minister, Chief Director 1.1.2Sharing experience with peers PPM&E Staff, Admin support 1.2Organise implementation of action plan PPM&E Staff 1.3Stakeholder analysis (in quest of representation) Identifiable stakeholders 1.4Situation analysis (visioning) All stakeholder reps identified in Build logframe matrix All stakeholder reps 1.6Develop M&E framework - strategy All stakeholder reps 1.7Develop M&E plan - operational All stakeholder reps
Personal Action Plan Output 2: Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System trialed ACTIVITYJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebStakeholders 2.1Test M&E plan 2.1.1Gather and manage information M&E officers, stakeholders, M&E focal points 2.1.2Analysis and critical reflection M&E officers, stakeholders, M&E focal points 2.1.3Communicate & report results All stakeholders 2.2Provide feedback to policy planning and implementation process PPM&E Staff + external stakeholders
Personal Action Plan Output 3: Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System implemented ACTIVITYJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebStakeholders 3.1 Roll out a completed policy planning, monitoring and evaluation system All stakeholders
Personal Action Plan M&E Matrix (extract) Output 1: Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System designed Performance/ Evaluation questions Info needs & indicators Baseline needs & indicators Data gathering methods Resource s needed Analysis, reporting & feedback How equitable is stakeholder representation? Beneficiaries; Power & influence relations between stakeholders Status prior to project start Identification of any marginalised groups at start Stakeholder survey; PLA; facilitator; workshops Discussion of changes and developments at the end of design stage Does logframe reflect project objectives? Changes that stakeholders would like to see the project bring about; Level of understanding of logframe by stakeholders N/APRA; Institutional survey Workshops; facilitators Interrogation of vertical and horizontal logic
Personal Action Plan Summary Conducting a (P)PM&E of a policy (P)PM&E Linking Planning with Monitoring & Evaluation Closing the learning and feedback loops Ensuring adequate participation by stakeholders
Personal Action Plan Thank you