Igor Pendic Period.#2 April 1, 2002
This canyon of Nanedi Vallis, one of the Martian valley systems. This picture shows like at sometime a big river had carver out this huge valley.
This picture shows a dried up lake. The channels start wide and narrow down slope. The area at the top of the channels has been eroded.
This picture in the Gorgonum Choas region of the martian southern hemisphere. These dried up Gullies are proposed to have been made from seeping ground water.
“Windows to the universe” Windows Team February 22, Accessed April 3, “Evidence for recent water on Mars:Gullies in gorgonum chaos.” Malin space science systems. 22 June Accessed April 3, “ Evidence for recent water on Mars: Gullies at 70s in Polar Pit Walls.” Malin Space Science Systems. 22 June Accessed April3,