Why choose science subjects?
Science, technology and innovation have changed our world. They will continue to do so.
Ray Avery … 2010 NZ’er of the Year "This award celebrates the Kiwi can do, number eight wire clever thinking which allows us to develop world changing medical products and save lives. I am deeply honoured to receive this award and immensely proud that New Zealand can take its place on the world stage as an inventive caring nation," he said.
NZ needs to increase it’s knowledge and skill base in science. Wednesday, 22 July 2009, 4:09 pm Press Release: New Zealand Association of Scientists Science for New Zealand – let’s get science moving progressively and scientists better able to work for national good Science should be a great career choice and scientists have much to contribute to New Zealand’s future prosperity – Wednesday, 22 July 2009, 4:09 pmPress Release: New Zealand Association of Scientists Wednesday, 22 July 2009, 4:09 pmPress Release: New Zealand Association of Scientists Media Release from NZ Association of Scientists Science for New Zealand – let’s get science moving progressively and scientists better able to work for national good Science should be a great career choice and scientists have much to contribute to New Zealand’s future prosperity –
Year 13 Biology is strongly recommended for: Aquaculture and fisheries, marine biology biochemistry horticulture, agriculture, plant science, ecology clothing and textile science, environmental science food science, human nutrition, animal science microbiology, lab technician, biotechnology, genetics, medicine, medical and health sciences, anatomy, physiotherapy, geology, geography, physical education psychology.
Year 13 Chemistry is strongly recommended for: Aquaculture, biochemistry, chemistry, food science, genetics, human nutrition, microbiology, biotechnology, neuroscience, plant science, soil science, agriculture, wine making, physiology, sports science, pharmacy, medicine, health science, geology, clothing and textile science, environmental management, engineering geography, geology
Year 13 Physics is strongly recommended for: Electronics, energy management, physiology food science, telecommunications, physics anatomy, computer modelling, geology environmental management, surveying, design technology, engineering (all areas) robotics, astronomy…. TAKE MATHS TO THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE LEVEL YOU ARE CAPABLE OF…….