Communication Skills Dr. Amro Al-Hibshi Department of Orthopaedics
OBJECTIVES To be able to identify the importance of communicating with the family To be able to obtain informed consent To be able to develop skills of listening and responding to the patients
PATIENT’S FAMILY Why is it important to communicate with the family? Who is family?
FAMILY Medical illness has impact on family Family can help in treatment e.g. noncompliance
IMPACT ON FAMILY Parents Siblings Income Relatives of patients with infectious diseases
FAMILY Special skills to talk to group of people, not one person
FAMILY Provide information Provide social and physical support Care of other family members Help with compliance
OBSERVING FAMILY Patient coming alone One relative All family in waiting area Who visits the patient? Presents Personal items Patient’s relationship with other patients
IDENTIFYING FAMILY Who do you consider family? Who knows you are in hospital? 2 nd wife? Sons or daughters from other marriages? In case of serious decisions, who should we contact? How much information should we reveal to the family?
INFORMED CONSENT All competent patients Written or verbal Physical examination Teaching hospitals Anesthetized patients Patient’s and physician’s signatures
INFORMED CONSENT Informed Procedure Benefits Risks and complications
INFORMED CONSENT Use short sentences Avoid medical terms Check patient’s understanding Patient’s questions Adequate time No pressure
LISTENING One of the most important components of communication process Patients respond positively to physicians who listen carefully One of the most difficult skills
LISTENING Taking notes Asking for clarifications Repeating patient’s words Responding appropriately Empathy Noticing verbal and non-verbal hints Facilitation Summarizing
CONCLUSION It is important to identify and communicate well with the family Family can help with treatment It is every patient’s right to give informed consent Effective listening can reveal more information to the physician that can help with better understanding of illness