Santa Fe Community College Library Welcomes Distance Education Students
SFCC Library is here to serve ALL students, not just ones whose classes meet on campus.
Students taking online classes have the same library privileges as all other students. You may borrow books, CDs, DVDs, as well as use library study rooms, computers, periodicals and more. more Additionally, the SFCC Library offers many services you don’t need to come into the library to use.
The online catalog of all of SFCC Library’s (and many other schools’) materials is available at or catalog From here you can look up materials at our college, or at many other New Mexico colleges and universities, including UNM, NMHU. If you find items you are interested in but are unable to come in to the library, we can ship them to you. us for more information about this service.
What if SFCC Library doesn’t have what you want? We will borrow it from another library on your behalf. All you have to do is fill out a form for books or articles requesting what we call an Interlibrary Loan, and we’ll send it to you.books articles
If you would like to use libraries of other New Mexico colleges and universities, apply for a Library Passport. With a passport, you can use and borrow materials from most academic libraries in New Mexico. SFCC library issues passports to students, faculty and staff. us for more information.
One of the library’s most popular resources, online databases, are available anywhere you have internet access. They contain citations, abstracts and full texts of articles, as well as radio stories and interviews, video clips, podcasts and entries from encyclopedias and reference books. In order to access the databases, you must request the login IDs and passwords by calling or ing the library. ing SFCC Library subscribes to databases from the following vendors…
InfoTracInfoTrac offers a collection of thirteen databases, including Informe (Revistas en español), InfoTrac Professional Collection (for educators), Expanded Academic ASAP (for general academic research), Opposing Viewpoints and others. FirstSearchFirstSearch offers 52 subject-specific and general databases. Includes full-text as well as abstracts of articles. CINAHLCINAHL SFCC subscribes to CINAHL Plus with Full Text, Pre-CINAHL, and CINAHL Select. You can search each individually, or all three at the same time. CINAHL Plus with Full Text alone provides indexing for 3,024 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health, with indexing back to SFCC Library subscribes to databases from the following vendors…
And last but not least, the librarians at SFCC Library are here to help you learn to find what you need. Don’t hesitate to ask how to use something, or for help figuring out what you need, whether by phone, or in person. All our students are important to us, so let us know what we can do to help you succeed at Santa Fe Community College. Sylvia Medina Sylvia Medina Library Director Louise Jaureguiberry Louise Jaureguiberry Librarian Kate Garduño Kate Garduño Librarian Wayne Oakes Wayne Oakes Librarian