CSCE 430/830 A Tutorial of Project Tools By Dongyuan Zhan Feb. 4, 2010
Outlines Get started with Altera DE-I FPGA Board Get started with Quartus-II Design Software 7/13/2015CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines 2
Getting Started with Altera DE-2 7/13/2015 CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines 3
Getting Started with Altera DE-2 [1] EP2C35F672C6 Cyclone II FGPA chip Configurable connection between the FPGA chip and other components Toggle/push buttons, LCD, LEDs, and 7-Segment DIPs. SRAM, SDRAM, and Flash Memory RS-232, PS/2, VGA, USB The expansion headers can be used to connect other user- designed boards to the DE2 board 7/13/2015 CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines 4
Getting Started with Altera DE-2 System Requirements (on you computer) –Quartus-II web edition software »For logic design, design compilation, timing simulation, FPGA programming »V9.0 can be downloaded at [2] –USB Blaster driver »enable Quartus-II to communicate with DE-2 »Installation instructions can be found at [1] –Special Notice »I suggest you use Quartus-II 9.0 edition and windows XP for better compatibility with DE-2 7/13/2015 CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines 5
Getting Started with Altera DE-2 Relate DE-2 to the Course Project –For the course project, you need burn your FPGA configuration (for your pipelined processor design) and benchmark program into the Flash memory (like a hard drive), load the program into and store the intermediate data in SDRAM (like the main memory), and show the results on the LCD. 7/13/2015 CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines 6
Design Steps using Quartus-II [4, 5] Create a design project –Select “File | New Project Wizard”, and Specify “Family” to be Cyclone- II and “ Device Settings” to be EP2C35F672C6 Design a component –In “File | New | Device Design Files”, select either “Block Diagram/Schematic File” or “*HDL File” Assign Pins –Select “Assignments | Pins” Synthesize a design –Select “Processing | Start Compilation” Simulating the Circuit –Select “File | New | Other Files | Vector Waveform File” –Select “Processing | Start Simulation” 7/13/2015 CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines 7
Design Steps using Quartus-II Program the FPGA –Connect DE-2 with the computer via a USB blaster cable and power it on –Select “Tools | Programmer”
Design Steps using Quartus-II 7/13/2015 CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines 9 Design Flow Chart
References [1] Getting Started with Altera DE-2 [2] DE-2 User Manual [3] Quartus-II v9.0 [4] Quartus II Reference [5] Quartus II Introduction Using Schematic Design ntro_schem.pdf 7/13/2015 CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines 10