Risk Management Presentation CEIST Conference September 2010 Adrian Sutton, Sutton Health and Safety Services
Claims Data- CEIST Property Claims Breakdown- 206 Claims Type of ClaimNo Burst Pipes62 Storm40 Vandalism36 Break in/ Theft33 Flood4 Fire3 Other Causes28
Claims Data- CEIST Claims occurred since inception of CEIST Trust Property Related Claims206 Liability Related Claims40 Total Cost of Claims2.5m Property Claims represent 70% of the cost
Loss Prevention Measures Identification of risks and exposures Regular inspection of School Property Renewal and repair of School Property as the need arises Review of controls, loss prevention measures and procedures
Frost/ Freeze Protection Maintain heat in the building Fit frost thermostats Remember to protect your oil supply from freezing Leave internal doors open Make sure all exposed pipes are properly lagged Make sure all tanks and pipes in the roof spaces are also lagged
Storm Protection Clean out gutters and down pipes of leaves and dirt Keep tree branches trimmed Check for broken, damaged or loose tiles Check for flashing around skylights Repair any damaged gutters or down pipes
Flood Protection Raise to higher ground (upstairs or on worktops)- Furniture etc. Move vehicles, valuables or other items to safety Put sand bags or flood boards in place Plug sinks/ baths If possible clear blocked drains
Fire Protection Fire risk assessments Identify the fire hazards Reduces these risks Decide the physical fire precautions Management arrangements
Fire Protection The terms “Risk” and “Hazard” are defined as follows: Hazard A Hazard is anything that has the potential to cause harm Risk The chance of that harm occuring
General Maintenance Fire Safety Electrical installation Heating installation Fire Fighting and detection equipment Security Water Damage Weather