Library & Information Services Using the Library Catalogue Part 2: My Account Reserving Items Reading lists Rachael Hartiss 2008
My Account
Logon to your Library Account to: View a list of items you have out on loan and see when they are due for return/renewal. Renew your loans. View details of any charges you may have incurred for overdue loans. View details of current reservations and see whether they are available for collection. View your loan history.
Click on my account. Enter the 10 digit number on your resource card as shown. N.B. leave out the hyphen. (Christchurch and Kent students see the instructions on screen.) Enter the 10 digit number on your resource card as shown. N.B. leave out the hyphen. (Christchurch and Kent students see the instructions on screen.) My Account
Your account summary displays outstanding charges, number of loans (and an alert if any are due back within a week), reservation and interlibrary loan requests outstanding. Account Summary
Follow on-screen instructions to renew books by ticking boxes next to titles, then clicking on Renew Loan. Renewing Loans I Messages will advise if items can not be renewed, or if fines are due. A new due date will display for renewed items.
On returning to your account screen, any overdue fines incurred will be displayed. From bottom of the screen, select Account to return to your current account details. Renewing Loans II Select Send , Print or Download To Disk if you wish to keep a record of your renewal. N.B. , print and download options not available from dedicated catalogues in the Library.
Reservations List On your account you can view a list of reservations that you have placed. Active under status indicates that your reservation is not yet available. Waiting collection means that the item has arrived and is available for collection from the Library Counter. Unwanted reservations can be cancelled by clicking on the box next to the title, and then on Cancel Reservation. Reservations awaiting collection can not be cancelled online
Loan history displays all the details needed to cite the book in a list of references at the end of an assignment. You can view a list of items you have borrowed in the past 6 months by clicking on the Loan History button found at the end of your list of current loans. Loan History
Miscellaneous charges consist of invoices sent for long overdue/lost items. Library Charges Charges appear before the list of books you have on loan. Charges include outstanding Fines on loans which have been renewed or returned late.
Always check Charges if you are returning or renewing loans that you know are overdue. Important!
Remember to Log out of your account at the end of the session. Log Out
Reserving Items
Reserving Items I Click on Show details to see how many reservations have already been placed on the title, or to see when on loan items are due for return. You can reserve an item for collection at the Library Counter by clicking on the Reserve item button.
Reserving Items II Once you have clicked on Reserve Item you will be prompted to fill in the number on your resource card. Check the details of the title you have requested and click on Place request.
If the collection site is not altered, the default site will be your home campus. If you are a Partner College student, the default site will read Partner College. It will be necessary for you to select whether you wish to collect your reservation from the Avery Hill, Maritime Greenwich, or Medway Campus. Collection Site Use the drop down menu to choose the site from which you wish to collect your reservation, then click on Confirm.
Reservation Guide If you are reserving an item that is currently available on the Library shelves, your request may not be dealt with until the next working day. The item may have been borrowed by another reader before the Library staff reach it, so you may prefer to collect available items directly from the Library shelves. Items requested from another campus Library will take approximately 3 working days to arrive for your collection. (Items from the Medway Store may take longer than 3 working days to be available). Important: You will be informed of the results of your request by . Before you confirm your reservation, please take note of the Reservation Guide.
Progress of reservations can be checked by logging into My Account and selecting Reservations. Only 5 reservations may be held at any one time. Checking Progress I Reservations may be cancelled by ticking box and clicking on Cancel reservation.
Active under reservation Status means your reservation is not yet available for collection. When your reservation has arrived and is available for collection, the status will read Waiting Collection. You will also receive an to your University account notifying you that your reservation is ready. Checking Progress II
Remember to check your University account for notification of overdue loans and reserved items awaiting collection. Important!
Remember to Log out of your account after placing a reservation, or checking on reservation progress. Log Out
Reading Lists
You can now view reading lists online. Each item on your reading list is connected to the catalogue record, so no need to search, simply click to view the full record. This service is available if a copy of the reading list has been sent to the Library. To check for your reading list, click View items on your reading lists. Reading Lists
From the drop-down menu select a search option, e.g. Keyword (from Course title), Tutor (surname) or Course code, enter selected term in search box, and click on Go. Searching for a List
Viewing a List Screen will display number of matches. Click on Click to view to see list of courses that match your search terms. Click on + sign, or course title to display full reading list.
Viewing Titles Click on underlined subsection or arrow to display titles.
Click on underlined title or arrow to link to catalogue entry. Viewing Catalogue Entry
Catalogue Entry Entry will display. Click on back arrow in the toolbar to return to list.
Notes …books to be ordered, or books on order… and books which can not be obtained for Library stock. Lists may show alternative sources…
Reading Lists may also include journals and websites. N.B. Web links can not be accessed from catalogues in the Library. Users need to be logged into a computer with a web browser to access web links. Journals and Websites
Exit From Library catalogues, click on Home to exit a reading list.