AS /AA Clarification of the Formation, Dissolution, Merger or Movement of an Academic Department- Resubmission
Original Version in University Manual FS /AS Policy on the Formation, Merger & Dissolution of Departments Kramer, 1975 All matters leading to the decisions concerning the formation, merger or dissolution of departments shall be handled on an ad hoc basis with adequate consultation with all concerned parties. These include at the minimum the faculty and students of the affected departments, the dean of the affected schools, the Academic Dean’s Council, the faculty Senate, the dean of the Undergraduate and Graduate Studies, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President of the University. That the definition of adequate consultation be that all parties concerned be informed and consulted on all actions and consideration which will be admitted as the basis for interim and ultimate decisions, with summary of all such information and consultation to be in writing, signed and dated.
Original Version in University Manual AS /EPC Policy on the Formation, Merger & Dissolution of Departments LaBounty, June 8, 1988 Discontinuance of academic programs may be initiated at any level and is addressed to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs in writing with justification for the proposal. The Provost sends the proposal through the College Dean to the Department Chair. The department faculty analyze the proposal in terms of potential impact on students, faculty, and resource allocation and recommend to the Department Chair appending the results of investigation. The department will develop a plan whereby affected students can continue with a reasonable course plan leading to their degrees. The Chair recommends to the college curriculum committee, and the proposal proceeds in a timely manner through the office of the Dean and Academic Senate to the President for a decision.
Changes to AS /EPC Policy on the Formation, Merger & Dissolution of Departments LaBounty, June 8, Specific Procedures for Merger and Dissolution of Department or Program Dissolution or Merger (Discontinuance) of academic programs or departments may be initiated at any level and is addressed to the Provost in writing with justification for the proposal. The Provost (and Vice President for Academic Affairs) sends the proposal through the College Dean to the Department Chair. The department faculty analyze the proposal in terms of potential impact on students, faculty, and resource allocation and recommend to the Department Chair appending the results of investigation. The department will develop a plan whereby affected students can continue with a reasonable course plan leading to their degrees. The Chair recommends to the college curriculum committee, and the proposal proceeds in a timely manner through the office of the Dean and Academic Senate to the President for a decision.
FS /AS Policy on the Formation, Merger & Dissolution of Departments President Kramer’s Response (1975) I agree with the Faculty Senate recommendation that no formal set of procedures should be followed when the formation, merger or dissolution of departments is considered. I further agree that decisions concerning the formation, merger or dissolution of departments shall be handled on an ad hoc basis with adequate consultation. Adequate consultation shall be demonstrated by a summary of all such information and consultation, in writing, signed, and dated.
President Ortiz’s Response to AS /AA Clarification of the Formation, Dissolution, Merger, or Movement of an Academic Department May 9, 2007 Upon your request, I have considered again the recommendation from the Academic Senate concerning AS /AA – Clarification of the Formation, Dissolution, Merger, or Movement of an Academic Department. The decision to form, dissolve, merge, or move an academic department is not to be made in haste, or without sufficient discussion. Consultation with all concerned parties is an essential part of the decision making process. The current policy requires that such consultation take place and be summarized in writing, signed and dated. I ask Academic Affairs to review their archiving procedures to ensure that all documentation is retained as a permanent record of these actions. With the re-affirmation of these principles, I see no need to alter the decision made by Robert Kramer and the Academic Senate in 1975 that no formal set of procedures be followed when the formation, dissolution merger, or movement of an academic department is considered. I do not accept the Senate’s recommended procedural changes.
Summary of AS /AA Clarification of the Formation, Dissolution, Merger, or Movement of an Academic Department – Resubmission The Academic Senate recommends that the following statements serve as guidelines for the formation, merger, or dissolution of programs or departments.
1. All matters leading to decisions concerning the formation, merger or dissolution of departments shall be handled on an ad hoc basis with adequate consultation with all concerned parties. These parties include, at a minimum, the faculty, staff, and students of affected departments, the Deans of affected colleges, the Academic Deans’ Council, the Academic Senate, the member(s) of the Provost’s staff assigned the duties of deans for undergraduate and graduate studies, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the President of the University. 2.Adequate consultation means that all concerned parties be informed of and given a reasonable amount of time to respond to proposed changes. Information provided to concerned parties shall include the following, at a minimum: a)The reasons for the proposed change(s); b)The history of similar proposals/actions involving the same department(s); c)Anticipated changes to academic programs and associated timeline (recognizing that the changes themselves would be considered by the established senate process); d)Anticipated impact(s) on the RTP process in general and of faculty below the rank of Full professor in particular. e)An analysis of the budget impact of the proposal. 3.Records of all such information and consultation should be collected, dated and retained in the Division of Academic Affairs. Additionally, the campus community shall have reasonable access to these records subject to standard confidentiality constraints. 4.The President should report his decision on the proposal and the reasons for making that decision to all concerned parties.
Summary of Changes to AS /AA Still Ad Hoc Basis Adequate consultation means that all concerned parties a. Be informed b. Be given a reasonable amount of time to respond c. Record is kept d. Concerned parties receive a response
- Concerned Parties (minimum) Faculty, Staff and Students of Affected Dept. Dean of Affected College Academic Deans’ Council Academic Senate Staff assigned duties for Deans of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Provost Vice President for Academic Affairs President - Informed of (minimum): a. Reasons for the proposed change(s); b. History c. Anticipated changes to academic programs and timeline d. Impact on RTP matters e. Budgetary impact Summary of Changes to AS /AA Continued…
- Records in Academic Affairs with reasonable access - President reports his decision and reasons to concerned parties