Research Project: Developing a Web Presence
What should be the content of my site? What is the function of this site? How much and what do I reveal about myself? Who is my audience? Does the audience determine what I post? My Art Writings Readings Teaching Materials My Students’ Art Research Interests Non-Academic Work Links/Inspirations Ideas in Incubation Biography CV
How do I get a website?
What do other people use?
Data Center Pollution
What should my site look like? This is a picture of the the backbone of the Internet.
What platforms/tools are available that determine what it will look like? Wordpress Tumblr Twitter Facebook HTML, XHTML Java, Flash, Ruby on Rails Index Exhibit Galleria
Limitations of Wordpress, Tumblr, Its like being told to make a collage of your ideal world with only a Seventeen magazine as your source.
Legitimate questions/Where do I go from here?
Reconciling various interests into a unifying ideology How do I understand myself with multiple interests? How do others understand me with many interests? And greatly varied interests? Non- committal?
Thank you for listening and your questions! This information and more is available at my site Look for this PowerPoint under the teacher link